Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Shoe Fetish

Jase of all people has a major shoe fetish. He LOVES them. He doesn't care who's they are, or what size they happen to be he will find someway to trudge around the house in them. His most favorite are boots, but recently he has discovered flip flops and he thinks those are pretty funny, until he gets frustrated with them. The most ironic (and frustrating) thing about this whole situation is the second, and I mean the second, we get into the car to go anywhere the first thing he does is rip off his shoes and socks and throws them on the floor. He can't stand wearing them in the car. 

Another funny thing, totally unrelated to the shoe thing is
this kid insists his snacks be put into a pitcher. The only conclusion I have come up with is I think he likes the handle and the lid that goes with it. He swings that puppy around all day long and as you can see he has quite the collection of snacks. With a container that big he's sure to never run out. (Don't worry I have never filled the pitcher completely up, in fact I usually put it in some other container and he finds the pitcher in the cupboard himself)  Funny kid! He keeps us laughing most days.


Nicole said...

It must be a boy thing because Trace does the same things. Loves to wear other peoples shoes but refuses to wear his in the car!

Jamie said...


Speaking of Trace - I was babysitting Monday and found him in Nic's closet putting on her red 3" heels. Not only did he get them on the right foot he proceeded to walk all over the house in them (and he was much more graceful than I am in heels that big.)

Mills Family said...

Thats hilarious, ya Caleb loves shoes also he is always putting mine on or pats, he loves my heels, luckily he still keeps his shoes on in the car.