Sunday, March 6, 2011

Some of the Little Things

I sometimes forget to write down the little everyday things that go on around here. These two have so much personality and so many things going on. They are constantly changing  and growing and I want to remember what they were like at this age. So, here are a few things Kylie and Jase are up to these days...

Kylie is 4 1/2 and reminds us often that her 5th birthday is coming up in the summer. She seems to think that once she is 5 she will be able to do ANYTHING. She is pretty convinces that 5 means she will be all grown up. Hopefully she won't be too disappointed!!!  She loves going to school and I have been told several times by her teacher how awesome she is doing. She has been reading for quite awhile now and has passed off over 60 books (of course they are little beginner books, but books nonetheless). She loves to follow along in the hymn book and the scriptures to find words she recognizes. She loves Primary and always comes home excited to tell us what she learned. Today she came home with a pin-wheel and asked me to blow on it, then she said very matter-of-factly "Mom, you know what's more powerful then wind; the Priesthood!"  Kylie loves her friends. She loves to be outside running around and collecting special rocks from our rock piles. She has baggies and baggies full of rocks she loves. She loves to dance and sing. She is still Taylor Swift's biggest fan and wants to grow her hair just like hers (and Rapunzel's) She's definitely one of my most favorite people to talk to. Yesterday I was having a particularly hard day and she come up to me and said, "Mom, I will give you a hug, I give great hugs." And she does!! She's a pretty good little eater although she would rather have 1 bite of 40 different things, then eat all of one thing.   She has her moments and there are times when I think she will make me crazy, but for the most part she is one good little girl that tries her best to do what Jesus wants her to do and loves her little brother like crazy. We love her more than anything and are so grateful to be her parents. 

Jase is at one of my favorite ages. He's independent, but so fun to watch learn and discover new things. He recent mastered counting to 12 and almost have his alphabet down. He loves to sing! He's always singing some song he's picked up somewhere. Most of the time it's the Happy Birthday song, this morning he sang Jesus Wants Me For a Sun-beck with Jeremy! He insists on saying the prayer at every meal and if he doesn't get to say it, he is not happy!! He is great at saying "please" and "thank you" and  "no, thank you" and every morning after I comb his hair he looks in the mirror and says, "handsome Jase." He loves to be outside and he does his best to keep up with the other kids. He loves his bike and he loves shoes. He mimics most anything Kylie does and keep us laughing.He loves nursery (finally) and his leaders say singing time is his favorite. We have been told by several ward members that they love to watch him at church. One of the members of the bishopric told us that he loves how animated Jase is. Jase has his frustrating moments as well. He's going through a phase (I hope) where he likes to tattle on anyone he thinks is "mean."  He is also the first to point out when something has been fun.   I love his big smile and his funny personality.  I am grateful for the things he is teaching me and I love being his mom!


Amanda Hansen said...

well that just warmed my heart! i love those two!!

Jamie said...

I love post like this - getting to see their personalities - so sweet.

Ashley Bean said...

I love Kylie and Jase! I wish I could be around them all the time, you're one lucky lady :)

Mills Family said...

They are both so cute, and its so sweet how they are such good friends and so close!

Alexis said...

Oh my goodness they are adorable!! I love them so much! I cannot believe Kylie is already reading!! That is awesome! It's good to record what they are like every once in a while and it will be so fun for them to read it one day!!

luke and kourt said...

I enjoyed your testimony on Sunday. Your such a good example of a strong woman and a great mom to your adorable kiddos.