Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Random Thoughts

I feel like we do the same things over and over and over again. The summer is getting long and I am ready for something new. School starts in a week for Kylie and it hit me the other day that she is going to be gone EVERY single day. I honestly don't know how I feel about that. I feel like my time is limited with her. Granted she'll only be gone half a day, but that doesn't leave much time.  "Real life" starts for her and I am having a hard time accepting that her school career is starting. There's no going back from here.

She had her Kindergarten Assessment on Monday and did fantastic. Her teacher said she was so impressed with all she knew. Kylie was so nervous walking into the school. She kept telling me she was scared and it took her a minute to warm up, but once she did she did awesome.  She's decided now that she loves her new teacher and she loves her classroom. Last night was back to school night and she couldn't wait to  go back and see it all.  As we were walking in she says, "I can't believe I'm finally going to my school."

I never would have thought for a million years that sending my first child off to elementary school meant I only had ONE other at home. I just hope and pray I don't send them both off to school next year only to be left with an empty house a few days a week!  I just have to keep reminding myself that Heavenly Father has a plan and although I don't always dig his plan, I am learning to accept it.

In the mean time I'll just keep lovin' on these two...

...because really, who wouldn't want more of them?? I know I'd take about few!


Kristi said...

OH my sad... when I think about having a baby I dont think they will grow up, I know they will but I dont think it!... Best of luck on both you and her's new chapter! and your kids would make anyone what to have a few more! ;D

Mills Family said...

I know when that day comes for the boys to start school it will be so sad I am glad I have a few years left til then but I know it will be here before I know it.
Your kids are so cute and yes I would definitley want to have a few more with cute kids like that!
Have you guys started trying for another one yet if not are you going to soon!
We have started trying for another one but with my issues last time who knows if it will happen on our own this time we are keeping our fingers crossed.

Jamie said...

I can't believe she's starting school already.

I keep reminding myself that Heavenly Father has his own timeline and that things usually work out for the best when I let go of my own timeline (however it is easier to type that than to remember it every day.)

luke and kourt said...

My heart is with you. Not being in control of Heavenly Father's plan is one of my biggest struggles. I wish I knew when, how, and what the future holds. I guess I just need to learn to have faith. Your kids are adorable and I'm sure Heavenly Father has some more of them for you ♥

P.S. Kylie will be such a cute kindergartner :)

Alexis said...

man that is so hard to believe!! the other day i was just looking at some pictures of Kylie when she was born and now she is going to kindergarten!! She's going to love it! And don't worry, your house will be so full of kids you'll miss having a quiet house!
love ya sis <3