I can not believe that Kylie's whole Kindergarten year has already come and gone. I swear I was just barely dropping her off for her first day. She has had a great year and really grown as the amazing little girl that she is. A few weeks ago the Kindergarten classes put on a short little program for the parents. Kylie was really excited to peform. Her favorite song was a song they learned sign language for and for weeks before she would show me all the signs she was learning.
Kylie loved loved loved her teacher, Mrs. Guynn. She was a great teacher for her and told me several time how much she loved Kylie and her sweet, easy going, obedient personality. Mrs Guynn also told me that she knew she could trust her to run an errand and come right back so Kylie was always her teacher's runner and she loved that!! She excels in reading and writing and loves math. Being the social person that she is she will tell you that recess and PE were her favorite parts of the day. She also loved computer day and going to the library. I am grateful learning is exciting for her and I loved when she would come home and enthusiastically tell me everything they had done.
Kylie had the chance to receive a few awards throughout the year. One being the Kindness & Friendship Award and was even written about in the school's newsletter and another being Top Kindergarten Reader and had her picture hung in the main hallway.
On the last day of school they celebrated with a water party at the park. Kylie was so excited for this day. She reminded me several times all the things her teacher said they needed to do or bring for their party and she wanted to make sure she did them all. Kylie had been really excited with the idea of summer approaching, until we pulled into the garage on her last day and then she lost it. I think in that moment it hit her that Kindergarten was over and she was now headed to first grade. She told me she wanted to be a kindergartener forever and she was really going to miss her teacher. I reminded her that her teacher is moving in just down the street from us this weekend and that she can't be a kindergartener forever. I tried to remind her how cool first grade will be and through her tears in true Kylie fashion she says, "Oh yeah, and we get three recesses and get to play on the big kid playground." Thank goodness for that!!!
Her first year of school was good to this little girl and I can't wait to see how she grows and excels in years to come....And just for fun here is a little comparison from the first to the last day of school. She definitely still has her sassy personality, but with a lot less teeth!!