Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Masked Man

I've decided nothing's better than being a mom, especially when it means being a mom to a kid who does this.

I walked past the bathroom and noticed a little boy sitting on the toilet with his underwear on his head talking to himself as if this is a completely normal thing to do. I started laughing and all he did was look up at me, I could tell he was smiling though the underwear, but he wasn't embarrassed at all and didn't feel the need to take them off.  I am guessing they were fairly clean, or at least didn't smell all that bad... according to a 3 yr old little boy's standards. 


Jamie said...

I have a picture like this of my brother when he was about that age - I use it for blackmail now!

Mills Family said...

that is hilarious! Little kids crack me up with the things they come up with to do for fun!