Thursday, May 3, 2012


Yahoo!! If I have my way, I will be holding a tiny baby girl in my arms before this month is over. I have about 4 1/2 weeks left which actually puts my due date at June 3rd, but since I have told everyone in the whole wide world that my due date is the end of May it's bound to happen, right? I've been putting positive vibes out there for the beginning hoping that will help my chances.

I went to the doctor last week and I'm dilated a fingertip!!...Not quite a 1, but I am starting to show signs of progression which makes me very happy, although I'm really trying not to get too excited about it just yet. We'll see how it's going next week at my appt. I'm measuring small though, but actually my doctor says that's a good thing because it will better my chances at having a VBAC.

It's starting to become really real. I've had a couple of moments where I have gotten that serious nervous butterfly feeling in my stomach about the whole situation. I am so excited for her to get here and it's really starting to hit. It's probably about time we get serious about making sure we have the things we need for her. I've had a really laid back attitude about it because Jase came WAY before we were ready for him and we seemed to have survived so I guess that's made me not extremely anxious to get things done any too soon. We did get her room painted and I have her bedding. Hopefully I'll get her room finished up this week and get her cradle ready for our room.

I have never been one to think I have gone through a nesting phase. Maybe because Jase came way too early for that and I was working full time right up until Kylie was born and I barely had energy for that at the end, but this time it has seemed to kick in a little bit. This week my sister Ashley has been in town and we have had a crazy busy week. She has been the absolute best sport and we have pretty much repainted my house...well, not quite, but it has felt like it. I will probably crash after the week is over and not want to do another single thing until the baby is here, but it was so refreshing to have a burst of energy and get so much done.

I am slightly nervous at how much life will change with three kids especially since she is coming at the beginning of the summer and I know the other kids will want to be on the go, but we are ALL really excited for her to come.

Here's to the craziness that is about to ensue at our house!


Rogers Family said...

Yay!! So excited for you guys. She will be here before you know it :-)

Kristi said...

Oh I am so excited for you guys!! YAY so close!

Alexis said...

I am BEYOND excited to meet my new niece!! Can't wait to see you in a few weeks! :)

luke and kourt said...

May is a good month!!!! I can't wait to meet your little sweetie! I can't believe she is almost here, that flew by so fast! You'd better text me when you have her ;)

A&E Aventures said...
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A&E said...

We are so excited to meet the little sweetheart! Let us know if you need anything!