Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Kylie's Time to Shine

Kylie had her first dance recital last night and it was definitely something both her and I have been looking forward to for a long time. She absolutely loves her dance class and looks forward to it every week. She loved dressing up and wearing make-up was by far her favorite part. Her recital didn't start until 6, but come 4:00 she was dressed and anxious to go.

 She constantly talks about all the girls in her class. She has made some really great friends and it was fun to watch her make connections with them. Just by chance several of them are moving into our area and will be going to her school next year and she couldn't be more excited!
 It was tough to get good picture of her while she was actually on stage, but she was in two numbers. One was a tap routine and other jazz. The jazz number was by far her favorite and the one she liked practicing the most.
I can't even tell you how much this dance class has boosted her confidence and it has shown in other areas of her life too. She really tried hard to do her best during each class and was awarded dancer of the day several times through out the year. Growing up being a dancer myself it was so fun for me to watch her get up there and give it all she had. She wasn't shy or nervous at all and came off the stage just beaming.  She was thrilled to have her Grandma and Grandpa Felix come down from Cedar to watch along with her sweet Kindergarten teacher.  I hope it's something she continues to love and pursue for a long time!


luke and kourt said...

She looks so adorable! How fun is that to have a little dancer, I can't wait for that day...at least I hope my girls want to dance! So so cute!

Amanda Hansen said...

I wish I could have been there!!!! She looks adorable though!

Alexis said...

oh my goodness!!! i wish soooo badly i could have been there! she looks adorable! i hope you recorded it because i wanna watch it :)

Mills Family said...

oh she is so cute, I love her little dress how fun! Thats the one thing I am going to miss really bad about not having a little girl is putting them in dance!