Monday, July 16, 2012

The 6th Birthday Celebration

Being the absolutely crazy mom that I am I let Kylie invite every girl friend she knows in the neighborhood to a party the night before her  6th birthday. She is extremely social and LOVES to be with her friends! Our neighborhood is overloaded with kids to play with and she seems to make the rounds. When it came down to making the list for her party we ended up with 16 girls to invite. I have a huge issue with leaving anyone out so I wanted to make sure everyone was invited. 

We decided a spa pajama party would be fun and I would teach them all how to do manicures. It seemed like a good idea, but when you have girls ranging from 4 to about 7 it gets crazy. Their attention spans aren't very long and most were just excited to paint. 

 We started out with some pizza and watermelon
 and then moved on to a little dance party while I was setting everything up.
 Then we got down to business with the manicures.  I had everyone get a partner and most loved the idea of giving them to each other. The painting got a little chaotic and I was feeling a little bit bad sending girls home with crazy paint jobs, (Hopefully their mom's understood and didn't mind too much) but the girls seemed to really enjoy it.
Not all of them loved the idea of a mask on their faces and really I don't blame them because it smelled awful, but the ones who did thought I was pretty fun. A few even refused to take them off until they went home to show their families. 

Next were the presents and Kylie has got some really great friends!! She was a spoiled little girl even before she was done opening all of them. 

I tried to get pictures of her with each of her friends, but some didn't want theirs taken and some hardly sat still long enough to watch her open them. :) Notice she still had some of the mask on her face.

Time was going fast so we quickly sang Happy Birthday and handed out cup cakes and their treat bag before it was time to go. 

I wish I could have got a picture of the whole group and even though I was pretty exhausted by the end I was so fun to watch Kylie with all her friends. She was having a blast and right in her element with friend entertaining.  I love that we live in a neighborhood where there is never a lack of someone to play with. Hopefully it's a party she will remember and hopefully next year I will be smart enough to have a party that's not quite so structured if I plan on inviting so many kids! Live and learn!!


Jamie said...

You are one brave mom!

Alexis said...

So cute!! how fun!! what a good mom you are!!