Sunday, July 1, 2012

One Month Old

What a CRAZY first month this little chickadee has had!! I hope she doesn't think life is always going to be this exciting. Time has absolutely flown. I honestly can't believe she has been with us for a whole month. Why can't pregnancy months go this fast?! 

I'm not going to lie, there has definitely taken some adjusting, getting used to a family of five. I think there had been just enough time to forget what it's like to have a new baby around. Luckily she makes it pretty easy on us.  She loves to eat...actually maybe snacking is a better word for it. She's good at eating small amount very frequently. I'm lucky if I can get  2 1/2 hours inbetween feedings, but a lot of times it seems to be every hour and half to two. Thankfully at night she'll go a little bit longer.

With all the family we have had around she has become one spoiled little stinker. She loves to be held and definitely sleeps better in someone's arms. I'm afraid there have been way too many nights where I have been too exhausted to care if I am teaching her bad habits and have let her sleep in my mine. She's also an extremely light sleeper and the littlest of noises wake her up...not the most ideal when there is a loud brother and sister around. 

Jeremy is sure she has a look all her own, but I can definitely see my other kids in her. She's full of different facial expressions and quite entertaining to watch! It seems as though we finally have ourselves a blue eyed red head, but I think the poor girl also has my fair skin. I am sure she won't think it's fair the first time she tries to get a tan, but I love having a little variety among our kids. My family is sure she looks just like I did as a baby and I definitely think she has more Hansen in her than Kylie and Jase do.

It's been an adventure so far, that's for sure, but I am so grateful to have a healthy little girl that is growing and happy. Her little smiles melt my heart and I am excited to watch as she continues to grow and develop. There is nothing like a brand new baby in the home with their amazing spirits and I LOVE being a mom and being able to enjoy every milestone. 


Ashley Bean said...

She is adorable! I think the first picture looks like Kylie. She is super lucky to have you for her mom!!

Alexis said...

so stinkin' precious! i miss those little cheeks! I am proud of her Hansen characteristics :)

Wendi said...

She is darling! And I think she has a lot of Hansen in her! : )

Jamie said...

She's beautiful and I agree with you, I see the Hansen in her.

Mills Family said...

She is so cute!