Saturday, July 14, 2012

Kylie Turns 6

I've got myself a 6 year old, but to be honest I feel like she has been six for a long time. It seems like that with most birthdays. I feel like my kids seems older than they are and their birthday is just confirming what I already feel.

We got up this morning and promptly opened the presents from Jeremy and I .

Kylie's been dying for a new bike. A few of her friends have been giving her a hard time because her bike wasn't as big as theirs. It hurt her feels and ever since she has hoped she could get a new one. She wasn't too picky about what it looked like as long as it had a kickstand then she was going to be one happy girl. Grandma and Grandpa Hansen pitched in to make sure she got one she really loved and would last her a long time. 

Grandma and Grandpa Felix came down to visit and brought her a few more gifts.  She loved the beads and bracelet kit they brought and has made just about everyone she knows one. 

 They even treated us to dinner for her birthday complete with ice cream and all.
 Kylie is an amazing girl. She's so full of energy and LOVES to be with her friends. She cares so much about people and hates to be away from the people she loves. She can't wait to go to 1st grade so she can have three recess. She is a great older sister. She's great at making sure Jase is taken care of and if Addley cries you can bet she will be right there trying to make her happy.  Kylie loves to dress up. If she has the choice she will pick to wear a skirt or dress every time. She also  loves shoes and jewelry, especially earrings and you'll also usually find her with a bag and sunglasses in hand. She loves her long blonde hair except for when it's time to brush it. She wants to be very independent and trying everything on her own first. She loves to help me and very willing to do most anything I ask.  I love this little girl more than I can even say. She is so much fun and truly someone I love to hang out with. I thank Heavenly Father everyday for her!! 

She's always loved the camera and certainly knows how to ham it up...


Jamie said...

Such a beautiful (and lucky) little girl.

Alexis said...

aww i love her!! she is one amazing kid :) i am glad she had such a great birthday!

Mills Family said...

She is so cute and growing up so fast and wow you are pretty amazing to be able to pull off a party like that with 16 little girls. I am not sure if I would have survived LOL! Wow having 3 boys is looking better and better everyday hahaha just kidding, I do wish I had a little girl to do fun things like that!
Anyways looks like they all had a great time and I think she will for sure remember this party forever!