Tuesday, July 31, 2012

2 Months Old

My babe is getting big and I just don't know how I feel about it. I feel like she's not a newborn anymore and it makes me sad. She still has the newborn cry and unfortunately the newborn sleep and eat schedule, but I feel like she looks old. She's definitely filled out quite a bit and I think she has a lot more chub on her than I remember Kylie having. Her little double chin is to die for and I love the pinchy-ness of her legs. She has turned into one smiley little girl which makes it so fun to interact with her. When she gets really excited she gets those little legs kicking and you would think she was training to run a marathon.

She still struggles a little bit with sleeping at night. It's always hard to predict how well she will do. Some nights she goes to sleep like a champ and will sleep several hours in a row, wake up once to eat and then go back down for a few more hours. Other nights it takes several tries to get her to sleep and she seems pretty restless the whole night. I haven't quite figured out what causes a good night vs. a bad night, but maybe it's because we've been on the go so much since she has been born. I am hoping we can slow things down a bit and especially once school starts we can get in a really good routine. She's a great napper during the day and she's becoming much more of an eater rather than just a snacker. We're grateful she doesn't seem to have the projectile reflux that both Kylie and Jase had and we're keeping our fingers crossed that that continues. 

 We've noticed that she has a tendency to be really jumpy. She gets really nervous if she feel like she's being laid on an unstable bed or if she's being held funny and feeling like she is not being supported properly so night we wrapper her really tight in a swaddle blanket that has velcro that my mom bought and it seem to make her comfortable. During the day we wrap her tight in swaddling blankets for naps. One day I went in to check on her and found the blanket over her head so moved it back and made sure she was ok. Well, TWO more times I go in to check on her and found the blanket back over her face. I am assuming for some reason she wanted that blanket over her face and somehow she was making it happen. It's a good things those blankets are thin and she woke up soon after that. 

The girl loves to swim! Actually she loved the bath water temperature hot tub we hung out in in Park City and she looked dang cute that swimming suit. At first she wasn't quite sure what to think, but I think soon realized it was a lot like a bath, which she loves and she settled in quite nicely.  I'm digging those baby blues and I think the jury is still out on her hair color. My guess is it's red, but it's coming in on the darker side so it leaves us wondering.

I love this girl more than I can say. It been an adjustment getting back into the baby routine and somedays I am sure three kids is going to do me in, but to be honest it's her older brother and sister that might be doing it to me. For the most part she's a very content baby that just seem to go with the flow and I couldn't ask for anything more. 


Alexis said...

i love her blue eyes!! awwe and i miss those little cheeks!

Mills Family said...

She is so cute! I can't believe how big she is getting! I loved those swaddle blankets with the velcro they were the best things for my boys I kept them swaddled until they were like 7 months old thats probably why they didn't roll much or start crawling til they were 12 months old or start walking til 15months but I am totally okay with that. I hope this baby is the same way the slower the mobility the better LOL!