Tuesday, October 2, 2012

4 Months Old

AHHH!! Time is flying! Have I said that every month so far? I think I have! I cant believe "the babes" (as Jase calls her) is that old already. She gets funner and funner and her smile gets bigger and bigger everyday. After weeks of trying we finally got our first solid laugh out her last night while Jase was throwing a blanket up in the air. She only did it once and hasn't done it since, but now I really can't wait for her to do it all the time. There are often time when I am sure she is going to burst but nothing comes out.  She has mastered the art of rolling over both from her back to her front and from her front to her back. Sometimes her arm gets stuck going back on her back, but most of the time she manages to get all the way over. Speaking of rolls, she still has the cutest ones I have ever seen. Her legs continue to be my fav. and luckily that chin of hers doesn't seem to be going anywhere anytime soon. She has taken a real interest in her hands lately. She's figuring out how to use them and tries to bring anything she possible can to her mouth. She's liking little toys she can grasp, but she seems to really like to chew on blankets a long with her fingers. She's not a giant fan of the binky which has been something totally different from Kylie and Jase. They used to suck their's for sport, but she seems to only want it maybe sometimes for a second as she falls asleep. If she's at all tired the car seat is not at all where she wants to be and something she seems to get pretty impatient with long car rides.  She still eats and sleeps really well. She's a great long napper and sleeps through the night most nights. I hate when we've had a really busy day and she hasn't had a chance for a good nap or two because that seems to affect how well she'll  fall asleep at night. She's definitely more awake then asleep these days, but she's so content and easy going that she makes it easy. She's definitely the cutest baby I know and we continue to be so grateful she is part of our family!!


Jamie said...

She is so beautiful and growing up so quickly!

Penny said...

She is the cutest thing ever and getting so big!!