Sunday, October 28, 2012

Weekly Random

I discovered the world of Instagram this week and was immediately hooked. It's just a fun way to share random pictures through out your day of your goings on.  Of course they are also pictures I would like to keep track of and the blog is the best place for that... Besides I'm sure there are some people who don't follow Instagram that might enjoy them also. :)

Trying Instagram out for the first time... She didn't mind being the model. Can those cheeks get anymore squishable? 

These kids are my absolute fave. I love them more and more everyday and could't be more grateful to be their mom!!

Last weekend we had a great time when my sister Ashley and baby Drew came to visit for a few days.
Jase is the thumbs up king. I randomly get a million of these a day from him. He tells me it means he's happy. 

Jase tries his best everyday to make Addley happy. He's just sure she loves big boy toys and a blanket over her head at all times.

One of the most favorite parts of my day is right before bed when I lay on Kylie's bed and we "girl talk." Usually we talk about her day or something she's excited/nervous about at school. I love this time together and it reminds of when I was a kid and my dad used to give me a "special talk" every night. 
We've had the Little Rascals movie in our car for weeks now and the kids just about have it memorized word for word. Jase was in the backseat one day belting out the words to "You Are So Beautiful to Me"
Some friends invited us to decorate sugar cookies with them. Kylie loved it of course, Jase tolerated it for a few minutes, but was way more interested in playing with the toy trains upstairs.

Later that night, right before we started eating dinner I had a plate of lettuce out for our sandwiches and the next thing I know Jase has a whole handful of it shoveling it in his mouth as fast as he could. He loves lettuce. Silly kid!!
One afternoon the kids were playing quietly with each other and when I went it investigate I found that they were having a photo shoot with Mr. Potato Head. I had a good 50 images of different Potato Head combinations on my phone before they were done. The top right Potato Head is what Jeremy's image is on the phone now. :)
Friday night we ran some errands and bribed the kids they were good we would get them a treat. We ended up at Yogurtland which was a very wise choice!
Jeremy recruited some help with the laundry. She was more than content to sit in the laundry basket and suck on a dirty sock will he gathered up the rest. 
Saturday night was our ward Trunk-or-Treat. We had been looking forward to it all week long. Our cousins Megan and Austin were even able to join us. The kids came home with far too much candy and at this point I'm pretty sure there is no need to go back out again on Halloween. I highly doubt  the kids will let that fly though!

1 comment:

Rogers Family said...

OMGosh, that pic of Addley with the blanket over her head is SOOOOOO adorable. I don't follow instagram, so thanks for putting on your blog as well. i love checking in on you and seeing what you're up to.