Monday, January 21, 2008

Doughnuts, anyone??

My sister Ashley, who came to stay with us for the weekend, and I decided to venture into the unknown world of cooking and make doughnuts…something that has never been attempted by a Hansen girl in all of history(well actually just me and my sisters and probably our mom). We found what looked like to be a very easy and reliable recipe on the internet and went to town. Lucky enough I even had all the ingredients. The recipe suggested we sift the flour and then alternate the vinegar and milk mixture with the egg and sugar mixture…neither of which we understood, but we did it anyway.

So far so good

We didn't have a doughnut cutter so we had to use a Tupperware container and a cap from the oil bottle to cut the shape.

To be honest I really haven't fried much, but we got the hang of it real quick.

Our masterpiece! As you can see we got brave and attempted a few doughnut holes and a big long log at the end when we just got plain exhausted.

We plan on submitting this picture to a cooking magazine as soon as we figure out the name of one. We hope it makes the front cover.

Calories: 148, grams of fat: 6.8, cholesterol: 12 mgs, carbs: 19.9 grams, fiber: .4 grams…well worth every bit of it.


Anonymous said...

omgsh is that safe?! I mean really one of us baking...i just dont feel right about that!

Anonymous said...

Those doughnuts look delisous

Anonymous said...

Wow, "my little girls" cooking--and successfully too! Aynsli loves to look at pictures of her on the computer, and tonight we are checking out our blogging buddies. Aynsli thinks Kylie is a "cute little girl" and isn't sure she knows what mom means when she says, "mom used to babysit those girls when they were little like you". Can you believe that....?