Sunday, November 22, 2009


I have decided that this year I want to do everything "Christmas." Anything that has something to do with Christmas I want to participate in. Maybe I am making up for last year, maybe I am excited to have my own house to decorate, maybe I am excited because I have a daughter old enough to be excited also. Its probably a little of everything, but whatever the reason I am excited to celebrate this year.

Last night we went over to the Dixie Center to see the display of trees at the Jubilee of Trees. As we walked in the door the first thing we saw was the Lifeflight Helicopter. It was open for kids to see and sit in. There was also on display two pictures of the Lifeflight crews and the pilots that fly the planes. I had a rush of emotion come over me as I looked at those pictures recognizing the nurses that took care of Jase during his flights. I have had Jase's birth on my mind a lot lately as we are coming up on the one year mark. This just reminded me of how grateful I am for modern medicine and Lifeflight and everything else we have been blessed with especially a healthy and happy baby!

Even though this is a Helicopter and Jase rode in a small plane it looks as though Jase remembers it. He doesn't seem too excited to sit in there.

The Dixie Neonatal Intensive Care Unit had a tree with a video of pictures playing showing teeny babies that look just like Jase did when he was there. We walked past it once and then went back a second time. I think we both half expected to see Jase amongst those babies. I can't wait to celebrate his 1st birthday!!


Joanne said...

That brings tears to my eyes! Your little family is truly blessed. You will have a wonderful Christmas. I am excited this year too.

Alisha said...

I can't even begin to relate to the feelings you guys must have a year later! What a sweet, beautiful boy Jase is!! Truly a time to celebrate...for many reasons this holiday! :)