Sunday, June 6, 2010

Jase's First Day of Nursery

Well, technically today wasn't his first day, (I've taken him the last two weeks) but he's 18 months on Tuesday so today was his official first day, I guess. That boy crawled right into nursery and turned around and crawled right back out!! He isn't having any of it unless Jeremy or I are in there with him and even then he stays right at our feet. I am really surprised. I thought he would think he was in heaven with toys and snacks and a bunch of kids to play with, but I was wrong. It'll take some getting used to and hopefully over time he will get to know the teachers a little better and recognize the kids and it will be more comfortable for him. 
This was the best picture I could get because he is constantly moving! That's right folks, he's actually taking a step in this picture. He does that sometimes, but only for a few steps and then he's down. Someday he'll learn walking is a lot less effort then crawling!


Jamie said...

I'm loving his shorts!

Can't wait to see you in person later this week.

Ben and Linds said...


So two of my three kids took six months to get use to nursery. They just didn't like it at first. Hopefully Jase will like it in less time... the moral is they do get use to it though!!!!

Hey I am going to be down visiting my sister so we should meet up and go to the park or something!!!

The Butterfields said...

I can't believe he is already 18 months! Your kids are adorable.

Jamie said...

Last reunion I convinced Nic to blog with me - this year I want to to convince a few more members of the family - it is a great way to stay close and feel a part of each others lives.

This year I'm hoping you'll help me convince a few folks.