Monday, October 11, 2010

Slick Rock Park

Jeremy took the kids to a fun newly discovered park on Saturday.  While they were there Kylie was really concerned because he didn't bring the camera with him and she knew this a camera worthy park!  So they took me back to it last night because they knew I would bring it.

And she was right, it was camera worthy. We climbed around and on the wall, walked on the walking trail and played on the little bridge. The kids are both at a fun ages. They're getting more independent and it's not as big of a deal to just load up a go out for awhile. Jase has a tendency to get distracted. It takes him three times as long then to rest of us to get anywhere. He has to stop and look at every bush, rock and tree we walk past.  Kylie's always got a funny song she's singing or some story to tell. She loves dancing around and usually has a trick she wants to show us.  They are both always so full of excitement and energy and they are just plain fun to be around!

1 comment:

Jamie said...

What a fun park - and your kids are fearless.