Sunday, October 17, 2010

Staheli Farms

It's Fall, which means a trip out to Staheli Farms is a must.  We've been every year since we moved down here and not much has changed, but as the kids get older they seem to enjoy more every time we go.

Kylie ran around from thing to thing sliding down slides into the corn box, swimming on the horse swings and trying her hand at duck racing. We sent Jase down the slides a couple times. He thought they were fun, but would rather grab handfuls of corn and stuff them down the back of his shirt. (He does this with rocks at home. I don't know why, it's one of the many weird little things Jase does) He liked this go around on the train better then his last ride and seemed to get the hang of racing the ducks.

I was excited to see how Jase would react to all the animals. He was totally fascinated by them. As we walked past the chickens, he kept pointing at them and saying, Daddy, daddy!" and then would laugh. He definitely doesn't fear animals like Kylie does. It takes her a minute to warm up to them. She didn't mind the big fat pig, it was the cute little sheep she had to be talked into petting.

Jase took one look at the constant running water at the hand washing station and was in love.  That boy would have been perfectly content playing in that water the rest of the night.

It was dark by the time we make it out to the pumpkin patch. (I would like to blame my camera for the lack of a decent picture, but there is a chance it was my fault) The kids thought running through the field with pretty cool and Kylie found her a perfect pumpkin.

Just before we were getting ready to leave we noticed they were giving horse rides for a dollar.  Kylie caught wind of that and was all over it. I was totally surprised, but she climb right up on that horse and loved every second of that ride. She jumped off and said, "Mom, the horse's name is Princess and I loved riding her!" I have probably heard a hundred times since then how much fun her first time on a horse was.

Just as expected Staheli Farms didn't disappoint and I am sure we'll be back again next year!!


Jamie said...

I see a letter to Santa asking for a pony in her future.

Michelle said...

So many of my blogging/fb buddies have posted stuff about this place. I'm thinking in the next couple of weeks we will have to go there. I think my kids would love it. It looks like lots of fun!

Nicole said...

Looks like fun! Trace would be happy with the running water as well. Boys are funny!!

Mills Family said...

That place looks like lots of fun.

luke and kourt said...

The photo with Kylie on the horse is priceless. What a fun fall night out with the fam! I love staheli farms but haven't been for a few years.

The Estes Family said...

Looks like a way fun place!!!