Friday, October 1, 2010

We've Been Boring

Not too much has gone around here lately, mostly just living everyday normal life. I try to post a couple times a week but I have struggled with "blog worthy" material the last couple days. 

Last Sunday was the Kylie's Primary Program at church and she was so excited. She was assigned a part which she practiced and knew flawlessly and also listened to her primary music at night so she would know the songs. She sat up on the stand as reverently as a 4 year old can until the fire alarm was pulled during the sacrament. After about 5 minutes of constant sirens she bursted into tears and Jeremy took her outside until they were turned off.  When it was her turn she said her part clearly and perfectly with a huge smile on her face.  She also absolutely loved that Grandma and Grandpa Felix would come down and watch her. 

On Wednesday Kylie's school learned about transportation. They all brought their bikes, decorated them  and then had a parade for all the parents in the parking lot. Kylie loves school and does great there. She is learning and comes home excited about her day. She talks a lot about the other kids and who she wants to be friends with. She says she is always trying to sit by someone new and really does her best at trying to remember their name.

Jase is a crazy little boy. He loves to be outside he loves to have his shoes on. We're counting down the days until we can retire his sandles because those babies STINK.  He thinks it's funny when we point out his stinky feet and cracks up anytime we give him a hard time about it.  He is into everything!! I swear, way more then Kylie ever was. Today he sprayed air freshener all over my kitchen cabinets and floor, he pulled all the trash bags out of the box and threw them into the garbage, he pulled all of Kylie's books off her shelf and he pumped shampoo all over the rug in the bathroom. He's usually off doing his next dirt trick while I'm cleaning up the last.
I was upstairs for a few minutes when I started hearing loud clinking and crashing so I run downstairs and find that he has managed to open the dishwasher (which I know I had locked shut) and was putting the silverware away for me. He know the right drawer and was pretty proud of himself. The only problem was he was licking every single one of them as he threw them in the drawer.

What an awesome helper he is!

Life really is good around here. Jeremy has been crazy busy with some huge projects at work and I swear we haven't seem him for days.  We're excited for conference. Kylie can't wait to see President Monson on TV. She prays every night that he will be "healthful and strong." I am excited for inspiring words and a relaxing weekend!  


Alexis said...

hahah... oh man, i have the best niece and nephew... :)

Jamie said...

I'm laughing out loud at the image of jace licking every spoon and fork before putting them away. You have to stop and wonder what is going through his mind as he does it.

The Estes Family said...

Kaden likes to help with dishes too!! That is so cute that Kylie is excited for conference, I'm excited too:)

Amanda Hansen said...

I just can't wait to see you guys this weekend!

Nicole said...

Trace likes the dishwasher too, in fact the other day he took a cup out while I was emptying it and I kinda forgot about it and after I finished went to find him and he was in the bathroom with his cup and had emptied pretty much the whole toilet bowl onto the floor!

Brittney said...

I love you to pieces Ange
