Monday, December 13, 2010

Felix Family Christmas Party

Saturday night was the annual Felix family Christmas party up in Cedar. We got together with Jeremy's parents and his brothers and sister. We're getting to be quite the crowd when we get together, but we always have a good time! This year Jeremy's parents thought it would be a nice idea to find a family in need and get a few things for them for Christmas. So all 21 (actually 22 because one of the cousins brought a friend) of us headed to a crowded Wal-mart for clothes, toys and food.

The kids ran around like crazy picking out toys and books. Kylie had to have a pep talk every once in awhile because she would forget we were there to pick things out for other kids and not her. And Madi did a great job at keeping an eye on Jase. I wish she lived closer because I would take her to the store with me every time I went!

When shopping was done we came back to the house and wrapped up all the gifts,

enjoyed dinner together and Grandma and Grandpa had even put together a candy christmas count- down for all the kids to make.

Then finally came the much anticipated gift exchange part of the festivities. All the cousins draw names and give to each other and Jeremy's brothers and sister are on some kind of rotation that nobody can ever seem to remember and we usually spend a whole bunch of time figuring out each year. :)  The kids of course walked away with quite the loot. Jase was super excited about his little football and even let out an excited "Ooo" when he saw it, and Kylie was in heaven with her new Rapuzel doll.   Grandma and Grandpa also gave each of the grandkids a different Zhu Zhu pet with a cage to share in each family. The kids had a blast with them and we had quite the scurry of hamsters all over the kitchen floor.

We ended the night with dessert and a little birthday celebration for Jase and Ty.   It was fun to be together and enjoy each others company. I love that we love close to family and Kylie and Jase have a whole slew cousins to play with. I think every time we come away from a family get together like this Jeremy or I comment that we are so grateful that Megan and Alayna, who are two or three years older then Kylie, are so great to include her and she just loves them. And it's so fun that Jase has a cousin only a week younger then him. (although I am not sure how long that friendship will last if Jase doesn't quite is bossy ways). We are so blessed to be apart of such a great family and love the chances we have to be with them.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

I love the idea of spending part of the holiday thinking about someone else - what a great way to get into the spirit.