Friday, December 10, 2010

Jase Turns TWO

I can hardly believe that this crazy little boy of ours is actually really two years old!
He is one energetic, happy, healthy, funny, exuasting little boy that I thank Heavenly Father for everyday.

Naturally I can't help, but go back to his birth and think about all Jase went through the first few months of his life and remember this absolutely amazing spirit that came along with such a teeny tiny body. We had some amazing experiences and I will be eternally grateful for all he has taught us. 

Anytime I bring out the camera Jase says, "Cheese" and I get this look. He squints up his eyes and gives me sort of a fake smile. It's not very often I can get his "real" smile out of him for the camera.

To celebrate Jase's birthday we kept it pretty low key. It was actaully a fairly busy day for me and so celebrating didn't take place until later in the evening.

Grandma and Grandpa Felix came to town and we attempted to go out to dinner. It always sounds like a much better idea then it really is with two crazy little kids, but we managed to survive. Jase definitely LOVE his Grandpa and preferred hang out at that end of the table.  The waiter was told it was Jase's birthday so of crouse we got the serenade. I wish I would have got a good picture of his reaction to them. He first gave them kind of a worried eyebrow furrowed look, but then warmed up a bit and and by the end we got a little smile out of him. 

After dinner we came home for presents and cup cakes. He was fun to watch as he opened each gift. Kylie of course was super excited and wanted to be as helpful as possible. Jase loved the candle on his cup cake this year. It took him several tries to get it blown out the first time, but once he did he was all over it. After eating his cup cake for a second he wanted the candle back on top and Jeremy to light it again so he could blow it out. I think Jeremy re-lit the candle about 10 times just so he could blow it out again. He got such a kick out it.

Jase is two and as cool as ever. He's a pretty relaxed little kid that has all the neighors  fooled. I get asked all the time if he ever cries. He's usually pretty content to just hang out and do it own thing. He still likes to chat it up and has said some pretty funny things lately. He gets after Kylie quite a bit and secretly it's  kinda funny. He insists on eating with a fork and drinking out a real cup and anytime he gets anything on his hands he demands a napkin, but ALWAYS says please. He wants nothing to do with the potty and does everything Kylie does. He watches her like a hawk and wants to do all she can.  

I love that he is two and the little boy that he is. I love being his mom and I  am excited to see what in store for him this next year! 


Anonymous said...

I can't believe that handsome little man is two already! It sounds like he had a great day. We can't wait to see you guys tomorrow. Angie

Amanda Hansen said...

wow i love that kid!

Nicole said...

Happy Birthday Jase!! He is such a cutie!

Jamie said...

Happy Birthday Jase! He's a little charmer who is going to keep you all on your toes.

luke and kourt said...

I love his squint-y eye smile-he is such a cute guy and definitely makes me and luke smile.

The Estes Family said...

Happy Birthday Jase, so glad hes healthy and happy:)

Mills Family said...

oh he is so cute and I can't believe he is 2 already. He reminds me of Ayden anytime his hands get dirty he puts them up in the air and says ew hands, so then I have to wipe them off before he will do anything else its pretty cute.
Anyways happy birthday to the little guy!