Thursday, August 30, 2012

First Day of Preschool

It's hard to believe that Jase is finally old enough to start school! I can't really imagine his busy little body sitting long enough to actually learn something. He's certainly not the type to sit and color a paper or care too much about learning how to hold a pencil properly, but he is a huge fan of cutting paper!    He's going to the same preschool Kylie went to which I think has a great program and I have full confidence he will do awesome. After watching his sister for several years go to school he was so excited that it was finally his turn, and I am excited he finally has something to look forward to every week. 

He didn't hardly say good-bye as he jumped out of the car and ran into the school with his little bag in tow. He wasn't nervous at all! According to him as long as none of the other kids took his toys and they wanted to be his friend this whole preschool thing was going to be awesome!! Jeremy picked him when it was over and Jase was all smiles. He said it was "super fun" and loved meeting the other kids. He even learned how to write his name and his favorite part? The treat. 

I can't believe he was once my 3 lb little baby and now he's embarking on his school career. I can't wait to see how much he learns and grows and matures this year. He's such a fun little kid that makes us laugh everyday. He's full of questions and on the brink of discovering the world and I love that I get the chance to watch him do it!!

Monday, August 20, 2012

Lookin' Snazzy

Jase, I'm assuming is just like any typical 3 year old boy and could care less what he's wearing. Except though he is very particular about making sure he has clothes on at all times. You would never catch him not full clothed. Even swimming he insists on wearing a shirt. But recently he has been asking me quite often for a tie. He really wanted to wear one to church. So I find a really cute blue one and a white shirt to go with it. He was stoked! He wore it yesterday for the first time and he was one good lookin kid!! I caught him several times before church standing in front of the mirror with a huge smile on his face playing with it. He was totally cracking me up. 

Well, tragedy struck! He had gone to the bathroom right before Primary and as he went to flush the toilet he slipped and fell over the toilet causing his tie to fall right into the water. The poor boy was devastated, but he was not about to wear a tie with a pee-water soaked tip. So sadly we had to take it off and go to Primary with just his white shirt. 

 We'll try it again next week!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

First Grade

This much anticipated day has finally come. Kylie started first grade. She has been so excited!! I mean a day with three recesses and a lunch. How could anything be better than that? Nothing, just ask her! I could hear her in her room last night excitedly giggling to herself.  Before Jeremy gave her a blessing last night he asked her if there was anything in particular she wanted special help with or she was worried about. She says, "Yeah, just bless me that I will have fun!" That's totally Kylie for ya. Thankfully Jeremy has great intuition and blessed her with other things she may need also!

She did get slightly nervous once we got to her class, but her teacher was so great to walk right up to her and introduce herself. Kylie told her what her name was and her teacher said, "Oh, I have been so excited to meet you. I love your name and couldn't wait to see who you were." That made her feel good and once she was settled in her seat with her bag put away she was feeling pretty dang good about life. 

I managed to keep myself pulled together until I got in the car, then I may have shed a tear or two...or 50 million on the way home! I can't believe she will be gone for so long every day. She has become my right hand girl and is the best big sister ever. I will miss my little friend!

 I am often so amazed at her patience and love for her siblings. She is a huge help to me and I am not quite sure how I will ever get things done without her!

I'm so excited though for her and opportunity she has to learn and grow. I am so grateful she loves it and is willing to do her best. She's going to rock this first grade business!

Friday, August 10, 2012

Girls Night Out

Kylie and I along with my mother-in-law Loralyn, sister-in-law Amy and Kylie's cousin Alayna had a chance to see Aladdin at Tuacahn on Monday night.  Of course just as expected the show was  awesome complete with scenes needing 3D glasses and a magic carpet ride over the audience, which was Kylie's favorite part. It was a bit toasty, but with threatening rain we were just glad to stay dry. 
 I love Tuacahn and it was really fun to be out with just the girls. Hopefully this can be something we do again and possible get a few more girls from our family to come with us!

Monday, August 6, 2012

She's All Smiles

Addley and my mom became good friends while they spent lots of time sitting by the window in Park City watching the swimmers and Alpine Sliders. She's become quite the smiley girl and very good natured. She makes life with a new baby easy and so enjoyable!! My very favorite one is the last!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Park City 2012

Park City has been my family's go-to spot for as long and I can remember and just as expected this year was just as fun as ever. We had a full week of activities and never a dull moment.

It included, but wasn't limited to:
swimming...lots and lots of swimming,

visiting and going to church with Jeremy's grandparents in Logan,

Temple square and shopping at City Creek,

 getting together with old friends at the park,

Addley's first taste of ice cream,
 enjoying the activities around the hotel,

hanging out with cousins,
 spending a day at Thanksgiving Point, riding a pony,
 feeding the animals,

 riding a carriage

 exploring the dinosaur museum,

visiting beautiful gardens,

and of course the Alpine slides!

We also can't forget shopping at the outlets just about everyday, hotel hide-and-go seek, BBQing, relaxing, and enjoying our time together as a family. It was a perfect week!! 

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Addley's Blessing

Last Sunday was Addley's blessing day. We did it at the tail-end of our vacation to make it convenient for my family since they were already here. We were grateful for the love and support we felt from both mine and Jeremy's family as we celebrated the blessing of having little Addley in our lives. Jeremy did an amazing job with the blessing and Addley looked beautiful! I debated back and forth whether I should I get her her own dress or have her wear Kylie's. I just decided that I really loved Kylie's dress so I had her wear it. I hope they won't feel gipped one day because they had to share, but maybe it can be a special dress that all the girls in our family wear.   I was a little bit nervous she would cry during the prayer because the bouncing would make her nervous, but she did fabulous. 

I'm not much for the big giant bows on little babies but for some reason I really loved this one with the feather and I figured it was a special occasion. Jeremy kept teasing me telling me he couldn't see her underneath it and I actually slipped up once and called it a hat myself. It is a little bit silly, but she looks adorable anyway.

We had everyone over for a little brunch of muffins, donuts, fruit, a breakfast casserole and yogurt because what else do you do after 9:00 am church? My family had to get on the rode and we were super sad to see them go! Luckily Jeremy's family hung around a little while after to soften the blow of everyone leaving all at once and we were glad to be able to spend a little more time with them.  I am thankful for the priesthood Jeremy holds and the blessing Addley was given. She's an amazing addition to our family and fit in with us perfectly.