Wednesday, August 15, 2012

First Grade

This much anticipated day has finally come. Kylie started first grade. She has been so excited!! I mean a day with three recesses and a lunch. How could anything be better than that? Nothing, just ask her! I could hear her in her room last night excitedly giggling to herself.  Before Jeremy gave her a blessing last night he asked her if there was anything in particular she wanted special help with or she was worried about. She says, "Yeah, just bless me that I will have fun!" That's totally Kylie for ya. Thankfully Jeremy has great intuition and blessed her with other things she may need also!

She did get slightly nervous once we got to her class, but her teacher was so great to walk right up to her and introduce herself. Kylie told her what her name was and her teacher said, "Oh, I have been so excited to meet you. I love your name and couldn't wait to see who you were." That made her feel good and once she was settled in her seat with her bag put away she was feeling pretty dang good about life. 

I managed to keep myself pulled together until I got in the car, then I may have shed a tear or two...or 50 million on the way home! I can't believe she will be gone for so long every day. She has become my right hand girl and is the best big sister ever. I will miss my little friend!

 I am often so amazed at her patience and love for her siblings. She is a huge help to me and I am not quite sure how I will ever get things done without her!

I'm so excited though for her and opportunity she has to learn and grow. I am so grateful she loves it and is willing to do her best. She's going to rock this first grade business!


Alexis said...

Aww!! This is so bitter sweet! I cannot believe she is old enough for this! I hope she knows she is in for a long ride.. Once you start there's no going back. Just ask the senior in high school:)

Jamie said...

She looks so grown up! Is she still loving it a few days in?

luke and kourt said...

All day school?! Wow! I think I would have a hard time adjusting without her help too! Even though I'm pretty positive she was the cutest first grader there :)