Thursday, August 2, 2012

Park City 2012

Park City has been my family's go-to spot for as long and I can remember and just as expected this year was just as fun as ever. We had a full week of activities and never a dull moment.

It included, but wasn't limited to:
swimming...lots and lots of swimming,

visiting and going to church with Jeremy's grandparents in Logan,

Temple square and shopping at City Creek,

 getting together with old friends at the park,

Addley's first taste of ice cream,
 enjoying the activities around the hotel,

hanging out with cousins,
 spending a day at Thanksgiving Point, riding a pony,
 feeding the animals,

 riding a carriage

 exploring the dinosaur museum,

visiting beautiful gardens,

and of course the Alpine slides!

We also can't forget shopping at the outlets just about everyday, hotel hide-and-go seek, BBQing, relaxing, and enjoying our time together as a family. It was a perfect week!! 


Nicole said...

Looks like a very fun filled week! I'm glad we got to share a little bit of it with you!

Wendi said...

Soo fun! Next year let me know when you all are coming! I would LOVE to see everyone again!