Friday, December 21, 2012

Going for a Trailer Ride

One of my most favorite things Jase's preschool does is take the kids caroling on a tailor around the strip mall. They practice their songs all month long and then right before Christmas break they get to go. Jase was so excited! He couldn't hardly wait to...ride the trailer. He asked me a million times that day when it would be time for ride the trailer. He didn't care to sing songs he just wanted to ride the tailor for awhile.

His excitement didn't change once we got there. He hopped right up there and sang his little heart out. It was fun to watch him. I still have a hard time thinking he is old enough for these things. He's always been my little shadow, but love that it is his turn to have these opportunities. He sure seems to enjoy them!

1 comment:

Jamie said...

He looks so grown up.