Saturday, December 29, 2012

Meet JAK

JAK was our Elf on the Shelf this year. He was given to us by my brother and sister-in-law for Christmas and showed up just in time to keep the kiddos in line. Both Kylie and Jase ate it up which made it so much fun for Jeremy and I. Here's a little bit of what he was up to while he was here....

Its definitely a tradition we'll keep up for many more long as he shows up every year!


Michael and Bonnie said...

Ha Ha. How did your kids stay asleep while he drew on their faces? Awesome ideas!

Jamie said...

Hilarious, I'll bet they woke up every morning excited to see what he'd been up to.

Mills Family said...

Those are some pretty good ones that you had your little elf do I might have to borrow a couple of them for next year. This was our first year doing elf on the shelf also and it was alot of fun, the boys ate it up, we will definitley continue this tradition also!