Sunday, December 9, 2012

Jase Turns 4

 My little man is four years old. It kinda seems like this day is long time coming actually especially to him. He has been looking forward to it for months and months and months now. I think he has had a birthday gift list a mile long since his last birthday. 

A couple days earlier he wanted to take a treat into his school class. Thankfully Walmart had the perfect  cupcakes and he was one excited little boy. Later that day he decided Addley would also enjoy a little cupcake too. While I wasn't paying attention he went ahead and shared his with her. What a nice guy!!

 His actually birthday was a pretty low key day. He was excited to finally see what was in the huge box that had arrived a few days earlier from Grandma and Grandpa Hansen. Both him and Kylie shrieked with delight when he pulled out this wiggle car.
Hopefully we were able to at least cross a few things off his brithday list he was asking for. Probably his number one request was a bow and arrow and he was pretty dang excited when he unwrapped one...a toy one of course!

 Grandma and Grandpa Felix drove down to celebrate also. They are always so thoughtful and he walked away one happy boy. They also joined up for dinner. Jase's dinner request was McDonalds, but thankfully we were able to talk him in to a corn dog at chili's. He seemed ok with that!

 Kylie had a cheer recital that night so Jase kindly shared the spotlight for awhile, but before the show was over he had just about enough and started asking if it was "done time" yet. Grandma decided a nice walk help and it did. 
 The night ended with 4 candles and a little happy birthday singing. Don't judge the cake! My poor kids will never have anything fancy if its left up to me and actually he seemed quite fine with his giant cupcake he got from his preschool teacher a few days earlier.

JAK, our elf on the shelf even popped in with a message!

I am so grateful for my healthy, happy, growing little boy. He's a crack up and keep us on our toes, but most of the time he's pretty laid back and easy going. He's always tries his best to go whats right, but is always quick to say sorry when he does something wrong. He loves digging in the dirt outside, riding his bike, running around with his friends, Buzz lightyear, Phineas and Ferb, anything Superhero and reading books. He also loves school and it proving to be a smart little boy. He gets frustrated with writing, but he knows all of his letters, numbers, shapes, colors and how to spell him name. We love this guy and are so grateful for him!!

1 comment:

Rogers Family said...

Wow! Can't believe it's been 4 years since your scary adventure with his birth! Happy birthday sweet boy!