Saturday, December 1, 2012

6 Months Old

Addley is now half way through the first year of her life and this girl is full of new tricks these days. 

 Her and her dad have mastered the stiff one handed balance
 She's trying to get the hang of steady sitting,
 but she wants to be on the go too often that she hardly stays in one place long enough to get the hang of it.
She does love this angle in the shopping cart much better than sitting in her car seat,
probably because she absolutely DESPISES her car seat or riding in the car for that matter especially if she is tired. Even just around town she hates being strapped in there.

Sleeping is still something we are working on around here. She's not a huge fan of being put in her crib and has to be dead asleep before she's willing to stay. Some nights it takes several tries to get her down unless we want to hear blood cruddling screams for a good long time and then she's horse the next day!

Its still not very often that we can get a good solid laugh out of her. Jeremy was doing anything and everything he could think of to get her to laugh one night and she just wasn't about to give it up! You can tell she is busting at the seams, yet refused to let it out. The rest of us were all rolling on the floor laughing hysterically at her!

She brings so much life to our family. I can't imagine 6 months ago what it was like without her! Her huge smiles continue to be a highlight of my day. She's lost a bit of her chub and seems to be turning into a petit little girl probably due to her constant movement. She loves to eat and so far I haven't found anything she doesn't like. Jeremy still is slightly nervous about her bald head and often worries she will never get hair. Personally I don't mind it although we are all on edge wondering what color it will be. Actually if it is anything other than red, we'll be pretty surprised!

She is definitely loved and we are so grateful for her and her sweetness!

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