Wednesday, May 7, 2008


Kylie has a new little phrase she likes to say. It goes a little something like this..."I WANT MONEY!" For some reason (and I am not taking ANY responsibility for this) Kylie is infatuated with money. Jeremy caught her one day digging around in my purse and when he asked her what she was doing she said, "I want money." She searches for it all around the house and constantly asks me for it. Jeremy decided that she would probably really enjoy a piggy bank so he took her out to get one. He said when he showed the little piggy bank to her she immediately pointed to the coin slot and said "money, money." How would she know that a little slot on a ceramic pig's back would be for money? Jeremy is afraid of what she will be like when she's 16. He says as long as she will always be satisfied with pennies it may be alright. She proabably realizes that could be all she gets so she better start asking now.
I really don't want anyone to think we have tons of money laying around and she is constantly exposed to it because that couldn't be farther from the truth. I think it's probably just ANOTHER one of those things she has picked up on and this one she REALLY likes!

Her new best friend!

Jeremy has a coin jar that he sometimes lets Kylie use to help fill up her piggy.

She's looking back for more, this is the funnest thing she has done in a long time!


Brittney said...

Boston isn't into money, but he loves his piggy banks. He has three. It is the first thing he points to every morning and says piggy over and over. He HAS to touch their noses.

Kylie is so cute, every picture of her just has so much sass. I wanna see more baby pictures of you to see where she gets it. You were always the mild one keeping me under control if I recall.

Kristi said...

That is Great!! I love it!! You can never start them to early on saving, and a piggy bank is the best way!!! Kylie is to cute!!