Sunday, May 25, 2008

The Beginning of the End

That sounds like I am dying. Nope, not dying, just ending one chapter of our lives and starting another! This week we kind of started getting ready for the trek south. Not quite as south as I would like, but we are slowly making our way down there! We decided it was probably time to pack some boxes. Jeremy hated every minute it of it. I think I heard "I hate packng" a hundred times yesterday as we were going through things and realizing everything that has to get done.
I was released from the calling today, which I loved. That was another kick letting me know this is really happening. We have an AWESOME ward. I have loved them. I don't think there are too many wards like ours. We were full of young new families, but also had a mixture of a few older ones. I love the Relief Society Presidency that I worked with and I will really miss them. I am glad I only live 45 minutes away and they can call me when they come down and go shopping. I am just glad I belong to such an amazing organization as Relief Society. It is so great to know that even though I am going to a new place I will have this club or group of people that is familiar where I can make friends and get to know people. What a comfort. Kylie also had GREAT nursery leaders. We really liked them. Sometimes those are hard to come by, but she had fun lessons for them and she always came away telling us something that went on in Nursery that day.
Well, if everything goes as planned right now we will be residents of St. George by Thursday. We see what the week brings.


Kristi said...

Oh Fun and Sad at the same time! But Congrats on the move, I hope all goes well, call if you need help, Im a pro at packing!!

Sundi @ The Life of a Cheap Chickadee said...

Awwww I'm tearing up. I will miss you guys! I know what you mean about nursery leaders being hard to come by. I bet you will love your new R.S. though..........maybe....hopefully :)

Steffani said...

Congrats! It's always hard to leave, but exciting to embark on a new adventure in life.

Brittney said...

Hah, I put that up about 1 minute before you hit the blog. I saw your name on the visitor tracker and I was just waiting for a comment. We were waiting until we heard the heartbeat. I just had the u/s today. She couldn't find the heartbeat becuase the peanut was moving to much. So that's why we got the u/s. I'm 12w 3d. Due Dec. 6th.