I asked Jase if he wanted a grilled cheese and he said, "No, I want a boy cheese."
Kylie touched my leg and said, "It's OK mom, cactus have more spikes then you do." Then she stares at me for a minute and says, "I'm serious, they do."
Today Jase reandomly gets up really close to my face and says, "Nursey is really really really fun, Mom." and then ran off.
Kylie knows the whole song word for word that Rapunzel sings to make her hair glow and she sings everyday when I do her hair hoping so much that her hair will do the same.
Kylie heard someone call a shirt a top, so now every time she gets dressed she lets me know she put her "topping on"
Kylie says to me today, "Mom guess what, Nash (her friend) got fired today." I asked, "He got fired?" and she said, "Ya, his finger got fired." That's when I realized she meant burned.
Jase's nursery teacher told me she said to Jase "You are such a good boy, huh?" and he says to her. "Yep, I is!"
We were at the store and Kylie really wanted Cheetos, but I kept telling no we weren't getting any. So she says to me in a very serious and matter-of-fact way, " But Mom, Cheetos kept your blood red!"
Kylie prayed that "monsters would not get us, for reals"
Kylie had this ramdom conversation with my mom today. She says, "Grandma, guess what? Jase is a booger eater." My mom asks her, "Are you a booger eater?" She says, "No, except for if I am under water."
Tonight Kylie told me that dinner looked like "Goo"
We were in the car and Kylie says, "Mom, I am staring at the very hot, bright sun." I told she should be careful because she could burn her eyes staring at the sun. Then she says, "Oh, well if I burn out my eyes then Jesus can just put mud on them and then I will wash them in a river and they won't be burned anymore!"
Kylie asked me while I was doing her hair, "Mom, why does the mirror always copy me? Does it think I'm cute?"
Kylie said, "Mom, Dad doesn't want you driving his truck any more because it's a piece of a crap." Then she laughed at herself and said, "I am going to tell dad that his truck of a piece of a crap when he gets home. That will make him laugh!"
While Kylie was laying on the floor on her back she sneezed and then said, "Ahh, It just rained on me."
Jeremy was taking the kids to McDonalds for lunch and Kylie was reading the numbers on the clock. She said "1-1-4-8" and Jeremy asked her what time that was and Kylie says "McDonald time!!!"
Kylie said to me today, "It is not possible for me to take a nap today Mom, because I have a band-aid on my little toe."
Kylie randomly asked me tonight what you have to eat to make a baby a boy baby.
Jeremy killed a moth in his hands and Kylie says to him, "You're a good killer, Dad."
Kylie got a really nice letter in the mail from her primary teacher thanking her for being so good in class. I read the letter to her and her nonchalant response was, "Yep, I'm THAT good, Mom."
Kylie has been gone for two weeks in AZ and on the way home she says really excitedly, "Mom, guess what? When dad gets home from work today we will be a family again!"
Kylie had been scared in the night and my sister asked her why and she says, "Because that monster was ticking me off!"
Jase was in hanging out with Jeremy while he was ironing his shirt. Kylie walks into where they were and asks, "What is Jase doing in here?" Jeremy says, "Minding his own business." Kylie asks, "Well, where can I find my business?"
Kylie said to me this morning, "Mom, I wish I had a costume that would fly me up to Heaven so I could say hi to Jesus. But it will have to one that doesn't make me sweaty; the sun's up there, you know."
Kylie got a whistle at school today and she says to me, "Mom, just so you know whenever I need to say something to you I will just whistle first"
she also said,
"I made up some songs on my whistle, wanna hear them?"
Kylie said, "Mom, I am only going to say 'thank you' if you say 'sure.'"
We were listening to music while in the car and Kylie says, "Mom, my feet, they are dancing. And they are very good dancers!"
Kylie's friend asked her to get back in the pool with her and Kylie says to her, "I can't right now, my hair is trying to grow long like Rapunzel."
Kylie just said me, "Mom, just so you know, when you say please that means you get whatever you want!!!"
Kylie just asked me if we could make "mushroom tartlets." I'm not really sure what those are but she assured me they are "really tasty and skin colored."
Kylie was pounding her fork on the counter and I asked her to stop. She says to me, "Mom...it's music. Enjoy!''
I got sunburned last week and my shoulders started to peel. I showed them to Kylie and in a very concerned voice says, "NO Mom, don't let it come off, you need skin for protection."
After swimming today Kylie comes to me and says, "Look mom all the white on my skin came off. Now it is just brown."
Kylie said to me, "Mom, I just had to drink the rest of your drink because I put little brownie 'slackwash' in it when I took a sip."
I asked Kylie is she was excited to go on her field trip the next day with her school. She says, "Ya, we are going to the Primary!" (They were actually going to a Nursery)
Kylie explained to me that ice is made of water and all you have to do it freeze it and then it will melt and be water again. I asked her how she knew this. she thinks for a minute and then says, "Oh, I just made it up myself!"
Kylie was watching a commercial about the new chickmunk movie. She thought they were funny and asks, "Mom, where can I get one of those?"
Kylie informed me that the partys are over because our balloons have all "beflated"
We were at my parent's planning a party for a few birthdays coming up. Kylie LOVES birthdays and was really excited about decorating for a party. She started listing off all the things we would need such as balloons, party hats, and banners. Then she stops, thinks for a minute and says, "And we will also need PINK FLAMINGOS for our birthdays"
Kylie wasn't paying attention as we were walking out to our car from the store. I had to tell her several times to stay with me and to watch where she was going. We finally get to our car and she asks, "Why do I have to stay with you?" I tell her because I know where the car is and she could get hurt. She thinks about that for a second and then says, "Well, I know where I am going when I am in the house." As if that is suppost to make me feel better about her running wild in parking lots.
Jeremy and Kylie went to a movie on Saturday. I asked Kylie when she got home how she liked it. She said she loved it then she said, "I also got popcorn." I asked why she got popcorn and she says, "Because you can't ENJOY a movie without popcorn!" I loved that she used the word "enjoy"
We were in the car and Kylie says, "I need some hand sanitizer. I have germs on my hands from picking my nose."
Kylie brings me the picture she colored and say, "Mom, look at this beautiful piece of work I did."
Kylie was playing Duck Hunt on the Nintendo, and after awhile she says, "I don't want to shoot duck anymore, where are the cats?"
Jeremy's little brother Zane just graduated from SUUand we just wanted to say congratulation!! And please there is no need to mention that Jeremy's 4 years younger brother graduated 1 year after he did...he already knows!!
Jeremy and I were married 9 years ago in the St. George, Utah Temple. We have a little girl named Kylie who was born in July 2006 and a little boy named Jase born in December 2008. They are both absolutely amazing and we love everything about them. We live in St. George where Jeremy works for a subcontractor and I am blessed to stay home with my kids.
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