Sunday, May 18, 2008

A Series of Funny Events

Kylie has been on a roll lately. She has said and done some pretty funny things that I don't want to forget. Here they are in no particular order...

Instead of saying hi these days she says "good morning" Anytime I saw her yesterday she would come up to me and say "Good morning, Mommy." She has been very polite and says "you're welcome" anytime we tell her thank you for doing something. Her new favorite word is "cause." I'll ask her why she wants me to take her all the way down stairs when we just got back up and she will say "cause". Where does she learn this stuff?

We took Kylie through a car wash yesterday and I thought she was going to have a come apart. She absolutely hated it. We kept trying to tell her the car was getting a bath, but that didn't help. She made me turn on the overhead light in the car, may I remind you this is in the middle of day and it is completely light in the car, but for some reason that light calmed her down and gave her a little bit of security. She couldn't wait to get out of there and of course Jeremy and I laughed the whole time.

On Friday Kylie was in her room with me while I was hanging her clothes up and she said "I farted" (thanks Jeremy) and she stood there for a few seconds and then she says with the most disgusted look on her face, "It stinks" and she ran away from where she was standing. It was so funny. I laughed for awhile about that.

Kylie likes to check and make sure I don't have anything on my face. If she notices I have a mascara flake or some other kind of goober she promptly takes her sharp little finger nail and digs at it until it goes away. Well, this morning Kylie was lying in our bed with me and she looked up at my eyebrows and said "Aw-oh" licked her finger and very seriously combed my apparently very wild hairs back into place. Thanks Kylie for keeping an eye on me.

Last night I was getting ready for bed and I went in the bathroom and started brushing my teeth. I came out to my bedroom where Kylie was doing something. She saw what I was doing came over to me and with her head cocked to the side asked "Daddy's toothbrush??" I looked down and sure enough I was using Jeremy's toothbrush. I hadn't realized I picked up the wrong one. How in the world does she know who's toothbrush is who's?

We say family prayers in Kylie's room at night before she goes to bed and last night she said it was her turn to say the prayer. She says this often and then won't say anything when we try to help her, but tonight she thought she would try it. So I started out by saying "Dear Heavenly Father" and said "Daddy" then I said a couple other things that she mumbled back to us. I then said "please bless us to sleep well tonight." and Kylie mumbled something about her "new bed" and pointed to her bed. Then I said "Bless Kylie not to wet her bed tonight" and she said "bless my panties." And of course we ended with a very enthusiastic "Amen." It was so cute and she was so proud. I am sure Heavenly Father knew exactly what she meant.

Kylie certainly never ceases to amaze me. I can't believe some of the funny things she says or the reactions I get from her. She definitely makes me happy!!

What's a good post without a picture? Here is Kylie in the bath this morning while dad was washing her hair.

House Update: The Deckers (the people buying our house) called this week and said their loan is going fast then they expected and so they are hoping we could close by the end of the month. We have a lease in St. George starting June 1, so that will probably be good timing. I am SO glad everything is going well with it. We started packing things up yesterday, figured it was about time since it may only be two weeks away. We took down the curtains in our kitchen and now it echos. I was just excited to know we have a house big enough to echo.


Jeff & Liberty said...

She sounds like one smart kiddo! It's good your writing this stuff down because it's so easy to forget!
Love the eyebrow fixing & panties prayer, so cute.

Penny said...

I have the cutest and the smartest granddaughter there is!!! What a blessed grandma! (I think my daughter is pretty special too!) Thanks for sharing Kylie's life with us, we so hate to be missing this.
Gma Arizona.

Brittney said...

I laughed out loud during this whole post. Boston ran over and looked at me, then started fake laughing so he could join in.

You type just the way you talk and I love it. I feel like I'm talking to you, not reading it.

The Carter's said...

She is so super cute!!! I can not wait til Halle is that age!!!

Brittney said...

I was just wondering if you were gonna come to AZ anytime soon after we move back. We would come to you and all, but we will be flat busted from the loss on the house and then the move and so on and so forth.

Kristi said...

Geese It sounds like I need to have a baby, so I can have some fun tooo!! Your so lucky to have such a great, cute, Kid!!!

Whatever, your Blog always looks so freeking cute, but yes all on photobucket, I will give you my albums link so you can take what paper you like from it. Lately it has been really slow, and it will not let me load very many pages at a time, Do you think I need to open another album?

BOOOO!!! To you moving!! But Mom says that we are going to come down and do a girls day shopping, that will be soooo fun!! Well here is my album link! Non of them are taged, but over on the side, it tells you were your album is found on the internet and so I tried it, and that link will take you right to it!! Blog ya later!