Monday, July 7, 2008

Weekend Festivities

We had a great 4th of July weekend. We decided to escape the 108 degree weather and head up to Cedar City. We got there in time for the parade and Kylie loved it. The loud sirens made her nervous, but she got a huge kick out of the horses peeing right in front of us.
She did a really great job of getting candy. We were in a really good spot because there weren't any other kids around and I taught her to wave and yell "hi "to the people throwing candy and she would get handfuls thrown back at her. She is getting old enough that she likes stuff like this and it's fun to watch her get excited about it.
She is smashing her candy cup so you can't really tell how much she got, but along with that we got otter-pops and a couple Frisbees.

After the parade we went to Jeremy's sister and brother-in-law's house for a BBQ. The weather was so nice. We sat in the shade and it was perfect. We went up and saw Granny Annie (my grandma) for a little while. Kylie loves to go see her. She gets so excited the second we pull up to the house. On the way back Kylie fell asleep and so we dropped her off at Grandma and Grandpa Felix's house and went to a movie. We haven't been to a movie in a really long time so it was fun go. We came back had homemade ice cream, hung out for a little while longer and then headed home. We got back in time to see the St. George's fireworks. Kylie loved the "ireworks" She cried when they were over.

On Saturday Kylie's cousins Madi, Dallin, Megan and Austin all came down and went swimming with her. Our pool isn't amazing, but I think they had a good time.

We then all went down to Mesquite for Kylie's other cousin Logan's baptism.

These are all of her cousins. Poor Kurt got his fingers smashed so he was sad for the picture.

She LOVED being with all the kids. She can keep up with them pretty well and they are so good to include her.

On Sunday we fed the ducks again. Kylie was very excited to do that. The ducks cooperated with us better this time and we feed them for awhile. We were hanging out earlier that day and Kylie comes up to us and says "I want some crazy." We asked her what crazy was and she said "making funny" We still didn't really know what she meant, but it made us laugh. We were impressed she could explain to us what she was talking about. Usually she has to point to something or she shows us something to explain what she is saying, but this time she just tried to explain it.


Nicole said...

Sounds like you had a great weekend. I can't wait for Maggie's hair to get a little longer so I can put it in cute pig tails like Kylie's. I hope I can figure out how to do it.

Kristin said...

How fun! I would have to agree taht escaping the heat is the only way to deal. We came to Cedar again! I would love to add you to my blog, if you are okay with that. Mine is private and I would be happy to put you on a viewer, just send me your email at Your little girl is darling. How is St George? Other than hot that is... talk to you soon. Kristin

Sundi @ The Life of a Cheap Chickadee said...

Your little babe is getting so cute!

Alexis said...

thats sounds really fun!!! il love that first pic. of kylie, she looks really old in it!! 7 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

MaRilla said...

Hey its Marilla... I was looking n Kristins blog and saw yours. If you don't mind I am going to add your link to my blog page. It is Lets keep in touch.

Kristi said...

FUN, it looks like you guys had a really fun weekend too!! Yeah I was going to come see you, but I was holding Emma, and I was babysitting!! I told her to tell you HI!! we are Planning a shopping trip, so I will let you know when so we can meet up!!