Friday, March 6, 2009

David & Ashley Bean

This morning my little sister Ashley's was married in the Mesa, Arizona Temple. I can't believe she is big enough. I think I have mentioned before that she is the EXACT same age as I was when I got married. We both were married 10 days before our 20th birthdays. According to my parents though Ashley seems way older then I was when I got married.

It was such a fun day. She looked absolutely beautiful and they both looked so happy! The sealing was so neat. They had a really fun sealer that kept us laughing most of the time. He gave great advice. He reminded us that the two things that break a marriage the fastest are selfishness and neglect. He also suggested that David needs to make sure he remembers and calls my mom his FAVORITE mother-in-law.  Jeremy has been the only son-in-law for quite awhile now and feeling a tiny bit threatened by David so has taken it upon himself to call my mom his favorite mother-in-law as well!!  

As usual my camera was loaded with picture by the end of the day. Here is just a sampling of the happening.  Prepare yourselves...
Kylie has been so excited for this day. She could hardly stand waiting for them to come out of the temple.

My family including my Grandma Hansen
Kylie absolutely loves David. She constatly talks about him and told my mom the other day that it was her marrying David. 

She had a good time playing on the fence with all of David's nephews
My two boys.
Her colors where coral and green. They were beautiful and I loved the green roses. 
The reception was at a church, but it was amazing. She had a false ceiling and a million flowers. This picture doesn't do it justice at all!

Kylie had the cutest little hair bows made from the same flowers. She also was so excited about her dress. It was her special wedding dress and every time she saw it hung in her closet she made a comment about it. 
Jase looked pretty snazzy himself. He has a cute little tie to match the rest of the little boys. 

All the girls doing "Kylie's pose"
The boys

My mom and dad with Kylie and Jase

My brothers and sisters

Kylie dancing with Daddy.
Decorating the car with Oreos, Whip Cream, window chalk and Peeps.

Saying goodbye and
Blowing them bubbles.


Nicole said...

I wish I could have been there. Everything looks so beautiful. Thanks for the pics.

The Estes Family said...

wow what a beautiful day!! I love her colors and the decorations, how fun!

Kristi said...

Oh I Just love Weddings!! SO Pretty!!

Jamie said...

How beautiful! I wish I could have been there.

Letters-2-Lily said...

congrats ashley! Looks so much fun, I miss my wedding day, i always tell josh can we get married again so that we can have another wedding? he usually rolls his eyes but i really mean it!! That is such a fun time. makes me feel old that she is old enough to get married.

Mills Family said...

Looks like it turned out great, wish we could have been there sorry that we missed it.
Tell them congrats for us!

Laurel said...

Congrats to her! That's funny, I got married 7 days before my 20th and my sister was about to do the same, but then there were visa problems and her wedding was delayed 5 months...