Friday, May 29, 2009

Just Jase

I took Jase into the doctor for his 4 month check-up. We are obviously a little bit late considering he will be 6 months in a week, (which I can not believe) but his Synargist shot was due then and so we had to hold off on his other shots until now. Anyway, he is doing great! He is growing and developing just like he should. He weighs 12 lbs 14 oz and is 23 1/2 in. We are excited to say he is on offically on the charts with his weight and his head circumference, 10% with his head and 5% with his weight, his height hasn't quite made it, but the doctor says that is normal for babies who are trying to catch up. Usually their head is first, then their weight, then their height. He says everything else looks great and he is developing well.

Jase is one cute little boy! We still battle with acid-reflux and CONSTANT spitting up. My carpets will tell you it's been rough! He insists on being held all the time and we are still working on sleeping better at night. I sometimes have had a hard time knowing what he "should" be doing at his age and what he is actually capable of doing. I have to remind myself that he is going to act a little bit younger then he really is. He still hates his car seat and screams blood murder anytime he is in there without someone in the backseat with him (Kylie apparently doesn't count). We all hope he grows out of that soon! He can be challenging at times, but even after those long days when he hasn't napped very well, needed my full attention constantly and fought us going to bed I can't help but be so grateful he is healthy and thriving the way he is. I love his smile and the sounds he makes. He loves people, watching big crowds and sucking on his fingers. I can't believe he is already 6 months and in 6 more months he will be year!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Memorial Day Festivities

It's not very often that Jeremy has a long weekend off and we aren't running to AZ or somewhere else really quick, but this weekend we stayed home and decided to take advantage of the beauty around us. We live so close to some many amazing places around here, but seem to take it for granted most of the time. Yesterday we decided to take advantage of some of the neat places by going to Zion...well, almost. We made the decision got ready, packed up and drove out there enjoying the little town as we drove through it. We get up to the booth to pay to get into the park and lets be honest, people who come wearing flip-flops and have a baby in a stroller with a two year old they are probably going to have to carry and planning on only having a little picnic and walking a short trail, is not going to get their moneys worth. So we sheepishly asked if we could turn around and found a grassy, shady area at the Springdale Elementary. The weather was perfect. We had our picnic and ran around on the grass. It was so fun to get away and spend time together as a family.

This was my view on the way there and back thanks to Jase and his uncooperative attitude anytime we get in the car. Apparently just having either Jeremy or me sitting back by him makes all the difference on the world.

I told Kylie to go run around on the grass and I would take her picture. She opted for a photo shoot and provided all her own poses.

Enjoying themselves

Jase was absolutely perfectly content just laying on the grass under the big tree watching the leaves blow. He laid there forever as happy as can be.

On the way home we passed an ostrich farm. I tried to get Kylie to get out and take a picture by the fence, but she would have none of that, so we just sat in the car rolled down the window, Jeremy whistled to get the ostrich to look up while we took the picture. While we were there one of the ostriches went to the bathroom and Kylie couldn't stop talking about it on the way home. Today when she saw this picture she reminded me that, "The ostrich pooped and peed, but he didn't wipe."

Later on in the day we headed up to Cedar to visit my grandma and Jeremy's parents. We stopped by the cemetery on our way to dinner to see if the beautiful flowers at my grandpa's grave had survived the rain storm. They still looked great and it was nice to spend a few minutes out there. By the way, we watched the temperature drop 40 degrees as we drove up from St. George. Needless to say we were not dressed for the weather in Cedar. None the less we had a really good day and hope for more like these.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Our New House

Or as of right now, our very expensive pile of dirt!! We are so excited to finally get things rolling on our new house. I was hoping to post this picture with a slew of other ones showing the progress they are making as we have been waiting for awhile now, but it does seems like the builders are finally getting things going slowly, but surely! We have been looking even since we moved down here for a place to buy and feel like this is perfect for us. We'll get a nice sized house on a lot that actually allows for a yard, something that is hard to come by in St. George without a seriously high price! The builders are offering great deals and we couldn't pass it up. We have been told it takes 45 days from the time they start. We are crossing our fingers it will be done the end of June, but we may go into July a little bit. Either way it will be an exciting process and I can't wait until it's finished!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Welcome Summer

I do believe it is officially summer. The temperatures tell me it is. They have crept up slowly with a few windy days here and there, but for the most part I think we are full blaze ahead! We are making the most of it and spending our time in the water.

Our first location was at the park climbing around the playground equipment and running through the splash pad. The water was a little bit cold and it took some talking into, to get Kylie really into it, but she finally did.
After the park, lunch and naps the kids decided they weren't finished and wanted to swim some more. We found that the pool at our complex was closed for maintenance and the water spout outside our house just wasn't going to cut it...

So we took them over to the hotel that our friend Curtis works at and let them swim there. Kylie loved it and she's getting pretty brave. Last year she was pretty fearful and held on to someone for dear life, but I was surprised at how well she would get around the pool with just a tube or floaty. Jase just hung out on the side. Maybe next time I will get him in and see what he thinks. I am excited for the summer and all there is to do. I will tell you this won't be the last time we have a water day. We have to survive somehow.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Mother's Day & Kylie's First Prayer

I am so grateful to be a mother and for the wonderful examples of mothers I have in my life! I had a good Mother's Day. I had been hinting around to Jeremy about a temple painting that I have had my eye on for a little while now and being the great husband that he is picked up on it and took me to Deseret Book on Saturday to get it. I was so excited! I can't wait to hang it up in my new house.

This wasn't the exact one I was looking at, but when I saw this one I loved it! Kylie asked me, "Do you love this mommy?" I told her I did and she said, "It is so much cute!"

For dinner Jeremy asked Kylie if she wanted to say the prayer. She always does, but need some help. Tonight she wanted to do it all on her own. This is her first little prayer all by herself: "Dear Heavenly Father, thanks for the gospel, thank you for this lunch, thank you for my mommy, thank you for my daddy, thank you for my mommy, thank you for me, thank you for baby Jase, your welcome, in the name of Jesus Christ, amen" I love the part when she says "your welcome" and she is thankful for me twice! She did an awesome job! What a funny little girl. It was so fun to hear her say it. I am so thankful for my kids and the chance I have to celebrate this day with them.

I am also so grateful for my mom. She is absolutely amazing and so inspiring. I don't know what I did to deserve her, but I am so thankful I was so blessed to be her daughter. She is so easy to talk to and makes everything better for me. I love her so much!!! Happy Mother's Day Mom!

I am also thankful for my mother-in-lay. She is so wonderful and thoughtful and caring. I am grateful for the good example she is and raising a righteous son for me and my kids. Happy Mother's Day, Loralyn.

It's sad that sometimes it takes a special holiday to let the people you love the most know how much you care about them. I hope I show them often and they know how much they truly mean to me. Happy Mother's Day everyone!!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Vegas, Tuacahn & Brian Regan

We had a very busy, fun, and tiring day yesterday. My parents were in Vegas this weekend so I decided to take advantage of the fact that they were only 2 hours and 15 minutes away and took the kids to see them. It sounds like a really good idea in theory and it really did turn out to be a great time, but I had a screaming baby in the backseat for 90% of the ride. There was nothing I could do. I tried a million different things to get him to stop and nothing worked. Jase HATES the car. I don't know what to do except hope he grows out of it real quick!!! Other then that it was so good to see my parents.

Kylie had a blast swimming with Grandpa. She can get him to do anything! He was so nice and patient with her and did anything she asked.

Jase and I hung out on the side in the shade.

We got there early and stayed for most of the day. Then on my way home I dropped the kids off in Mesquite and my brother-in-law and sister-in-law's house and headed home in time to see Brian Regan at Tuacahn.

It was so fun!! He is so funny. I haven't laughed that hard in a long time. The best part about him is you don't have to worry about his material. He is very clean and you can totally relate to what he is joking about. I haven't seen Jeremy this happy or excited about anything in a really long time.

His shows were sold out really early so all we could get were overflow tickets which were on the side on the rocks. We had to get there early because they weren't assigned over there. I get really competitive about stuff like this and I wanted to make sure we were sitting on the very front row. So we got there a half hour before the doors opened and good thing we did because there was huge line up....behind us. That's right, we were in the very front of the line which meant we got the best possible seats! I highly recommend him to anybody who gets the chance to see him!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

What's Been Goin' On?

We haven't been up to much lately just mostly every day stuff. Last Friday we signed the contract to start building our house. We are really excited! I had to pick out the paint color, the carpet, the flooring, the cabinets, the counter tops and everything else that is really hard to pick from a tiny swatch. I am not very good at imagining what the big picture looks like so I am just crossing my fingers that it all looks good in the end.

I ran across some random pictures I wanted to post.

Jase likes to be up where all the action is. The chair is still way to big for him, but with the straps tightened as tight as they will go he sits up there pretty well.

We have tried rice cereal. It was a bit rough. His coordination with a spoon needs some practice, but he liked it. Kylie was thoroughly convinced that the cereal was "bescusting!"

From the looks of those chunky cheeks he does make sure he gets his fair share. Kylie and her corn! She loves corn and there has not been a better day for her then the day she discovered DORA on the corn can. She had to have that corn. She took a nap with it when we got home from the store.

Kylie and her best little friend from across the street, Taylor. They have such a good time together and Kylie loves playing with her.

Last Sunday we went with our friends the Jenkins and the Dyers to a pond to feed the ducks. Kylie normally loves to feed the ducks, but this pond had a big mean duck that jumped up out of the water and started towards her and she fell apart. She wasn't so sure about them after that.

Jase thought it was funny!!