Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Poor Pickle

I am not sure what it is about PICKLES at out house, but I have a husband, a daughter and now a son who LOVE pickles. Not just any has to be Baby Kosher Dill Pickles. Jeremy has loved them from the time he was a little kid. He would sneak them at his grandparents house...or maybe he would ask them for them, I can't rememeber! Jeremy goes so far as to drink the pickle juice when the pickles are gone. It wouldn't surprise me if we had cronic pickle-breath at our house.

This is the first time Jase has really dug in and gone to town on one. The poor thing (the pickle...not Jase) was dead when he was done. There was no life left in it! It kept Jase occupied though and made making dinner a whole lot easier!


Rogers Family said...

so cute!!

Letters-2-Lily said...

Yummy! I love pickles too! Not the juice though that's nasty! That pic is so cute of Jase eating it!

Joanne said...

I totally understand the pickle thing, even the juice. Of course this comes from the aunt that eats lemons like most people eat oranges!