Monday, August 30, 2010

Kylie's First Day of School

Today is Kylie's first day of her second year of Pre-school.  She's going back to the same school she went to last year and she is really excited. Jeremy gave her a blessing yesterday (which she could hardly wait to get) along with working hard over the summer practicing a lot of her school stuff I think she's more then ready to go back show them what she knows.  I can't even begin to express how much I love this little girl. She is so beautiful and so funny and so smart. She has grown up a ton lately and I love  watching her as she does it. She honestly is one of my most favorite people to hang out with! I love her funny secrets and her "jokes" and her stories and I love to watch her sing and dance. She's an amazing big sister to Jase and the best part of all she is mine! I am one lucky mom!!!  I can't wait to see what this year brings and the accomplishments she makes. She's gonna do awesome!!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

The Demo Derby

We were itching to do one last fun thing before Kylie went back to school and summer came to end so we decided to grab some friends and head to the Iron County Demolition Derby.

Kylie loved the music and spent most of her time dance around. She got quite a bit of attention from the crowd and thought it was so funny!

We sat down on the grass and Jase was everywhere! He made quite a few friends in the process, but it was hard keeping him undercontrol, until...

I sat him in his stroller and gave him a huge bag on popcorn!

There is something about old cars racing and crashing into each other along with the type of people that congregate to these short of things that really make a fun night... We were not disappointed!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Come Again, Grandma!

Grandma Hansen make an unexpected visit last week and we had a chance to spend a lot of time with her. She took us fun places, bought us DELICIOUS watermelon and tomatoes and taught us the magic of Netflix and introduced us to millions and millions of cartoons that are only a click of a mouse away. They even held Jase's attention...which is a miracle. We love visitors and were very lucky blessed to spend that time with her!!!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Neighborhood Splash Pad

The new motto around here is: "If you can't beat 'em, join 'em!" That's how we feel about the triple digits going on outside. We can't seem to beat this heat so we might-as-well just enjoy it!

Some of our cousins came up from Mesquite for some back-to-school haircuts and we decided to show them the fun splash pad we have in our park. We certainly haven't taken advantage of it as much as we should have this summer.

It's a nice refresher on a day like today and the best part is we can see it from our back window!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Strong Man

Ever tried to rip a phonebook in half? Sounds impossbile, right? Well, not if you have the strength of Jeremy!

I, of course realize right after I filmed it that I recoded it on it's side and I can't turn it around, so you will have to watch it sideways.

Pretty impressive, right? I sleep better at night knowing I have such a strong man by my side!!!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Creative Minds

We are getting to the point where the Summer is getting long and it's still so hot outside.  We getting antsy for places to go that are fun indoors so when we were invited to go to a new little place in town and play we were excited. It has several different areas with different things to do themed around different places in St. George. There was a fun store (Lin's) to shop in, a doll house to play in, a pirate ship, a stage (Tuacahn), a castle, a farm (Staheli Farm), an auto store (can't remember the name), a workshop (Hoopes Construction) and a place to dig for fossils. The kids could just run free and play where they wanted.  Kylie and Jase had a blast and I loved that we could leave the mess there! 

The castle and stage were filled with dress ups and Kylie took her shot at a few of them.

Jase loved the farm and tried several times to feed the horse his drink.

I secretly think he was just trying to get rid of his drink because most of all the LOVED the drinking fountain.  He probably insisted on 50 drinks while we were there.

Kylie loved being the cashier at the store and did pretty well at counting out the money.

I love when we find new things to do and places to go especially when the kids love it. Given the blazing heat forecasted for the next little while I am sure we'll be back!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Kylie's No Moron

For Kylie's birthday my parents found an old iPhone of theirs and loaded it up with games, movies and music for Kylie to have. She has figured out how to work that thing like a champ and loves that she has her own.  One of the games my mom put on there is called the Moron Test. If your unfamiliar with it, it's just a series of what seems like easy little tests, but the game tries to trick you to make you feel dumb. And it's a hard game. It can also get frustrating at times because you can "fail" for the dumbest little mistakes. 
Kylie has taken a liking to this game and she is amazing at it! She can't read the instructions at the top of each screen, but by watching other people play it a time or two she has memorized what to do on each screen and she flies through the game. She has several different levels downloaded and she will work and work at mastering them. I love to watch her play it. It amazes me at how well she does. She's one smart little cookie and she's proved it with the Moron Test!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Such A Lady

Kylie got a new car seat where the buckle doesn't go between her legs so now she rides in the car like this.  In fact pretty much anytime she sits, she sits like this excepts for when she is sitting in front of the whole primary in a dress, then she sits with her legs up on the chair with her undies showing!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Photo Shoot

My mom and I are the same in we like pictures and any excuse we have to take them (and show them off) we do. My mom had her friend, that owns a camera I envy, come over one day and take pictures of the kids. It wasn't a real formal setting or anything, but it was fun. Our biggest challenge was getting Jase to smile and we pretty much failed. My mom and I were doing the most ridiculous things trying to get him to smile, but he wasn't having it. He knew we were trying to take pictures and he knew we wanted him to sit still, but he has a mind of his own and wasn't about to cooperate.  Kylie of course was all for it and she took some really cute pictures!

We also took a few with Baby Alex

and my parents where Jase was tickled so he would at least crack a smile.

Friday, August 6, 2010

No Fear

Jase has found a new freedom with this whole walking thing. I think he is realizing just what he has been missing out on all these months. The other night out in the pool he was not afraid for a second of the water...or the edge. That boy would walk right out off it. He didn't care if anyone was there to catch him or not. And then once he was in he would insist on walking around on the step all by himself and he didn't care where the edge of that was either. He was making me a nervous wreck! Thank goodness my sister was there to catch him. At one point he was frustrated that me sister kept catching him and tried walking around to the other end of the pool to get in. I obviously really really have to keep my eye on this kid...which really isn't anything new, he's just finding scarier things to do!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Reunited and It Feels So Good!

I was a brave women and made the 7 hour trek to AZ with Jase all by myself. I was nervous, mostly because Jase is a little stink in the car, but I managed to keep him entertained with movies and snacks and the sweet little boy was so nice to me and only threw up once...what a good kid!!

I was so excited to see Kylie again and so was Jase. They were so cute when they saw one another. I know they missed each other and were happy to be together.  Kylie has had a blast with my family and loved every second of the attention she got.

Today we ventured out into the blazing heat and had a fun time at a splash pad Kylie has had her eye on since she has been visiting. 

Jase absolutely cracks me up when it comes to these because he honestly LOVES them!! He seriously can not get enough.  He goes crazy and I can not even begin to explain how nice it is that he walks!!! Well, actually today I think he tried running. He was kind of a little bully sometimes though and tried pushing kids out of his fountain. We've got to teach that kids some manners.

Of course Kylie loved it too.  She ran around from fountain to fountain and even managed to get her hair wet, which sometimes is a feat in itself with that girl.

 We also enjoyed the play area and an ice cream. Just enough excitement to wear them out for much needed, good long naps!!