Thursday, August 26, 2010

Neighborhood Splash Pad

The new motto around here is: "If you can't beat 'em, join 'em!" That's how we feel about the triple digits going on outside. We can't seem to beat this heat so we might-as-well just enjoy it!

Some of our cousins came up from Mesquite for some back-to-school haircuts and we decided to show them the fun splash pad we have in our park. We certainly haven't taken advantage of it as much as we should have this summer.

It's a nice refresher on a day like today and the best part is we can see it from our back window!


Jamie said...

How fun! Although I'm guess it might still be fun if the temperature would move on down to the 90s for you

The Estes Family said...

Looks like fun, and the weather says relief is ahead so thats good too!!!

Mills Family said...

Looks fun I wish we had one of those cool splash pads at our park. Not that my boys would like it because they are not big fans of the water it takes everything I have to get them to play in it. Hopefully next year!