Sunday, August 15, 2010

Kylie's No Moron

For Kylie's birthday my parents found an old iPhone of theirs and loaded it up with games, movies and music for Kylie to have. She has figured out how to work that thing like a champ and loves that she has her own.  One of the games my mom put on there is called the Moron Test. If your unfamiliar with it, it's just a series of what seems like easy little tests, but the game tries to trick you to make you feel dumb. And it's a hard game. It can also get frustrating at times because you can "fail" for the dumbest little mistakes. 
Kylie has taken a liking to this game and she is amazing at it! She can't read the instructions at the top of each screen, but by watching other people play it a time or two she has memorized what to do on each screen and she flies through the game. She has several different levels downloaded and she will work and work at mastering them. I love to watch her play it. It amazes me at how well she does. She's one smart little cookie and she's proved it with the Moron Test!


Amanda Hansen said...

ha I love watching her play that game, she's dang good!!

Amanda Hansen said...
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Jamie said...

I swear kids learn how to do this stuff in heaven - it is like they are born knowing. I downloaded some games to mine for Maggie and she loves them too.

Nicole said...

That's awesome. Kids are so smart!! It always amazes me.

Alexis said...

she is super good at that!!! when she was staying with us, i had to ask her for help a bunch of times and she knew exactly what to do!!! hahah!! she's such a smarty!:)