Saturday, August 7, 2010

Photo Shoot

My mom and I are the same in we like pictures and any excuse we have to take them (and show them off) we do. My mom had her friend, that owns a camera I envy, come over one day and take pictures of the kids. It wasn't a real formal setting or anything, but it was fun. Our biggest challenge was getting Jase to smile and we pretty much failed. My mom and I were doing the most ridiculous things trying to get him to smile, but he wasn't having it. He knew we were trying to take pictures and he knew we wanted him to sit still, but he has a mind of his own and wasn't about to cooperate.  Kylie of course was all for it and she took some really cute pictures!

We also took a few with Baby Alex

and my parents where Jase was tickled so he would at least crack a smile.


Jamie said...

Great photos! Jase is so funny with his so serious face.

Mills Family said...

Those pics are so cute!

Jamey said...

Kylie's hair is so cute - did you use a triple barrel or what did you cute kids!

Let me know how you did her hair - I want to try it with Aspen! thanks!