Monday, January 10, 2011


What good is a little brother if he doesn't do or want to do everything you do??

Kylie has learned real quick just how important it is to be a good example to a little brother who wants to be just like her. Usually if there is a Kylie there is a Jase close behind!

Yesterday I came into Kylie's room to find them both sitting nicely coloring in their books. Jase isn't much for sitting and doing something quietly, but I think he was willing do it if it involved his sister. And of course the matching stickers were a must.

Sometimes they fight and something they get frustrated with each other, but for the most part they are pretty great friends and I only cross my fingers it stays that way. 


Mills Family said...

oh they are both so cute! Thats cute how he likes to do everything she does so sweet. Ya hopefully they will stay that way.
I hope mine will always be close like they are now!
They can't do anything without the other one its so cute!

Jamie said...

I'm laughing at the stickers on their heads - how adorable! What a great pair.

Alexis said...

Awww! They are so cute!! I cannot wait to see you all soon!!

Rogers Family said...

I love the last picture!! So stinkin cute!!!

Nicole said...

So cute! Isn't is so nice when they get along and play well together and just the opposite when they don't!

Mills Family said...

thanks for your comment, yes I have to buy 2 of everything because we learned that if we don't then they fight over it, we tried buying one thing and then something that was like it but a different one and that didn't work either they both wanted to play with the same one so now we just buy 2 it gets expensive and not to mention we have double the toys.
I will post pics of the house soon.

luke and kourt said...

What cute twin-ners! Seriously, your kids are so cute! My favorite is the last pic, gotta love the stickers :)