Sunday, January 2, 2011

It's the Beginning of a New Year

I am so excited for a new year, a fresh start and a good excuse to start over. I have some new goals in mind and I am excited for  a change.

Today was also the first day of new primary classes. Kylie moved up to CTR 5 and came home super excited about her new teacher. She also loved that she could remember what CTR meant. Jase is now in the Senior Nursery which Jeremy and I can hardly believe. He barely made the cut off and still seems so little, but we are very happy to report that he actually loves to go now. He walks right in and makes himself at home. He has some awesome leaders who have been so patient with him and we are so grateful.  We're excited for what this year has in store and can't wait to make the most of it!


Jamie said...

I can't believe he's in Sr. Nursery!

I have a feeling you are going to make it an amazing year.

Amanda Hansen said...

They are getting so big! Its just blowing my mind!