Friday, July 29, 2011

There's Nothing Better

It's been a rough few days around these parts and my guilty mom conscious was really starting to feel bad that I haven't taken the kids out do to anything fun for a few days. So to make me feel better and hopefully provide a good time for the kids we decided to grab our favorite summertime treat and head to one of our favorite spots to hang out and beat the heat.
 And I think it worked! 
Thankfully these two play really well together. Jase is Kylie's shadow and most of the time Kylie has ahold of Jase's hand as she leads him to the "fun parts" of the river. I love watching them play.

 And there's no doubt about it, these two sure know how to a make a mom feel good!


Michael and Bonnie said...

I know how you feel. I get so lazy because it is so freaking hot. After a few days of just sitting around, I feel guilt also. I wish I had the energy and the tolerance for heat that my kids do. Luckily there are great places around town to cool us all off.

Jamie said...

I want one of those treats too

luke and kourt said...

I think I want to go to the splash pad to cool off. Kids would be a great excuse to go there, I think I would look a little strange running around there trying to get some sun :) Looks like a fun day out, even if it was to relieve some unnecessary guilt :)