Sunday, October 30, 2011

Trunk or Treat

Last night our ward hosted a Trunk-or-Treat in our church parking lot and if you would seen the kids all day you would have thought it was Christmas. Seriously, they were crazy excited. I think Kylie giggled for most of the day. Five o'clock could not come fast enough!

 Finally when it was time to go, the LAST thing they wanted to do it was take a picture, but of course I had to. They barely smiled and then darted across the street to the church.  We have a really fun ward with millions of little kids and our kids had a blast running around with everyone before dinner.
 WE had dinner and then the real fun began. Kylie ran from trunk to trunk with somer of her freinds and Jase wandered around with Jeremy. They certainly didn't walk away empty handed, that's for sure. They had huge sack-fulls and couldn't have been more happy with their loot.

Not to mentioned it's only getting them warmed up for the real deal, as Kylie reminded me on the way home.


luke and kourt said...

I think my favorite part of the night was when Kylie came out of the haunted trailer crying. I was too scared to even go in there myself! Cute costumes on the kiddos too ♥

Mills Family said...

Their costumes are so cute! Looks like they had a great time!