Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas Morning

It was finally the day we had been waiting for, Christmas morning!! Jase had a rough night sleep and we were all pretty tired, but that didn't stop us from waking up as early as possible to see what Santa brought. Traditionally al the kids have to wait at the top of stairs while mom and dad ooo and ahh over all the gifts and then when we got permissions we ran down as fast as we could. Kylie, Jase and Alex were lucky enough to wait on the bottom landing so they would be plowed over by all the bigger kids (ie my siblings)

 The kids were excited to see that Santa did in fact come despite the fact we weren't at our own home and we also forgot to leave him a treat! I didn't take a ton of pictures I think because I was too caught up in enjoying the moment. 
 Our plan was to get up early enough to open Santa's presents, head off to 8 o'clock church,come home eat my dad's famous french toast breakfast and then finish opening the rest of the gifts, and that's just what we did.
 I loved having Christmas on Sunday! It made it the perfect day. My parents ward had a beautiful program which the kids both got in a nice power during so they were ready to face the rest of their day.
After all the gifts were open the rest of day was spent low key in our pajamas playing with toys and relaxing. My mom put on a nice Christmas dinner and we ended the day visiting with extended family.

On a fun side note: My sisters and I made the Christmas card my Grandma sent out this year. This is a picture similar to the one she used. My grandma always chooses a fun picture with her and some of are kids or grandkids or great-grandkids and we were lucky enough this year to be chosen. My Grandma is one AMAZING lady so I feel extremely honored!

Christmas was a success! I think everyone seem to walk away pretty happy, I know I did.  I got some really fun, thoughtful things I am very excited about!

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