Tuesday, December 27, 2011

The Tale of a Loose Tooth

Did you happen to notice Kylie's front tooth that hung a good two inches (ok... maybe not quite) below the other in this picture?

Well, here's a close up.

Kylie is extremely freaked out about having her teeth pulled. I don't blame her, I really hate loose teeth also.  She doesn't mind when they are loose she just doesn't want anyone coming near it once its very ready to come out.  This tooth was BEYOND ready to come out! She would breath and it would flutter back and forth. When she would sleep it would fall back and her gum was starting to bruise. It looked really sore, but she insisted it didn't hurt and clearly didn't mind the fluttery tooth.  We did EVERYTHING we could think of to bribe her into letting someone pull it out. My mom offered her twenty bucks, we told her Santa would bring her a extra gift, or the tooth fairy would bring extra money. My mom promised her she would get out the Easy Bake Oven and make a cake with her once it was out, which actually intrigued Kylie the most, but still not a enough to pull it.  So after spending a day trying to entice her with anything we could think of and it only frustrating her to tear on a few occasions she went to bed on christmas eve with that darn tooth still attached. 

But we had a plan:

The second that girl fell asleep the tooth was coming out! We waited and waited and waited and finally she fell asleep. So Jeremy went in plugged her nose so she would open her mouth, and pulled that tooth that was  laying on it's side. She didn't even flinch!! She shut her mouth back up and that was it. We debated what to with it next, but since we were sure she would probably be mad at us for pulling it we decided to leave it on her pillow for her to discover in the morning. 

We were all, including her I am sure, very relived to finally have it out. She was actually really excited the next day to discover it on her pillow. And I have to say I can not get over how CUTE she looks with out it.  Her smile is darling and she a cute little lisp to go with it.  It was a happy day  and not only because it was Christmas.

Grandma lived up to her end of the deal and they spent Christmas afternoon cleaning up and baking a cake in the Easy Back Oven. 

She served it on the tea set she plays with at Grandma and Grandpa's and that tiny little bite was actually pretty good. Between that and the $2 bill the tooth fairy left she was one happy little girl without that tooth. 

1 comment:

luke and kourt said...

Oh my gosh! You guys are too funny! I think I would have busted out laughing watching someone pull their kids tooth in their sleep! She does look dang cute though ♥