Friday, November 2, 2012

5 Months Old

It's that time again. I can't believe another month has passed. "The babes" is 5 months old and just as fun as ever...well, until it come to sleeping at night. Then she's not quite as fun. But we're hoping she's just going through a funny phase and she wont we a terrible sleeper forever!! It happened all the sudden where she just wouldn't go to sleep at night. It would be midnight or later before she even thought that going to sleep would be a good idea. She seems to love to take a nice cat nap about 8:00 pm and that gives her the second wind making it possible for her to get the late night party started. It's been a little bit frustrating, but hopefully she grows out of it soon! For everyone's sake!!
Other than her crazy night, we couldn't ask for a more laid back, happy, SMILEY, content little girl. She seems to be able to go with the flow pretty well with busy older siblings. Her favorite spot is on her stomach on the floor. I've been amazed at how she somehow gets across the room in no time flat. She seems to be able to reach for anything she desires and constantly wants something to chew on. 
She loves to eat and has become a fan of applesauce, sweet potatoes, rice cereal and just about anything else I'll let her have a taste of. 
We love our girl and are so grateful to have her in our family. She makes us all...and everyone else around her so happy. She'll flash a smile at any and everyone and I get constant comments from people about how smily she is. Her whole face lights up and you can't help, but be happy around her. 

 Notice the fuss! Jeremy is sure she will be bald forever. He's starting to get worried, but I was bald until I was about 2.


Dyer Family said...

She does just make you wanna smile when you see her cute face!

Jamie said...

She's always smiling and adorable