Saturday, April 12, 2008


Today was a GREAT day!! We had the opportunity to go to Las Vegas and support my mom in an Iron Girl triathlon. It was one of the coolest things to see. I have never attended a triathlon. I have only imagine what they were like and seen snippets of them on T.V., but to see the whole process is really amazing.

I am so proud (I know your not suppose to me proud, but...) of my mom. I have learned so much from watching her prepare for this event. She decided to go for this at the first of year, so she knew she had about 3 1/2 months to prepare. When my mom prepares for something she REALLY prepares for something. She bought books, read everything she could on the Internet, received e-mails getting tips, went to classes, bought a wet suit and a new bike and then not to mention trained like crazy!! Another thing I learned is that if you give 110% to whatever you put your mind to it can be accomplished. My mom is truly amazing not just for completing this because I knew that was definitely possible from her, but she took on something that she had never done before, faced her fears and accomplished it with a huge smile on her face!

The BEFORE picture

Ashley had shirts made for all of us to wear, and they were a hit! Everyone loved them. Participates as they were running or riding would yell to us, "We love Penny! You're the best cheering squad we have ever seen!" And they didn't even know us. We had a great time cheering people on as they passed us.

All the friends she had been training with and got her into this situation.

The first event was the swim.

My mom is the one in the green cap! Each age group when out in waves, this was my mom's.

And it all begins!

My mom is the one on the outside with the big smile on her face.

Swimming complete! She said if she could just get through the swimming she wasn't too worried about the rest!

Biking was next.

I think biking was her favorite. She did great. Those hills she went up were definitely thigh burners!

Running was last. We had the funnest time then cheering people on while waiting for her to pass us.

She ran a total of three miles and most of that was in the desert.

She's finished!!! YAY! Coming across the finish line, I am sure was triumphant.

Our HERO! Ending with a smile

The AFTER picture

My mom said when my littlest sister is 20 she wants all the girls to compete in the triathlon. All I have to say is I am so glad I have 7 years to train!

It looks like all her friends survived and did great also. They got the results a little while later and my mom had the best time out of all her 'older' friends.

She says she doesn't know what she'll think about now. This has been all consuming for a long time.

Of course, nothing great is complete with out a good fireworks display at the end.

We all went to dinner at the Cheesecake Factory and some guy that works there came up and sang her a song. It was so funny. It was to the tune of 'New York New York' and he sang all about her completing a triathlon I am sure he made it up as he went, it was really good...I wish we would have got it on camera.

Kylie was her biggest fan!!


Brittney said...

Ange, tell your mom I am sooo impressed. I know I'm stupid but this post made me cry. Good for her!
We will all have to get together when we move back. Andy has never met your family.

Penny said...

Have I told you lately that I love you!!!!!!
xoxox Mom the tri-baby

Kristi said...

FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!! That looked and sounded like so much fun!! It also looked like a lot to work, good for your Mom to have completed that!! What an accomplishment!! I still want to get together and learn your blogging ways!! Im in my house, it just a mess but if they have my internet hooked up we can meet whenever is good for you!!

The Ewell Family said...

Andrea- your mom is amazing! I don't think I could do anything like that. Let's get together soon

hmilne said...

I love your Mom! I am so glad you guys were able to go and support her!