Monday, April 21, 2008

Word of the Day

I have decided that Kylie says some really funny things. She has turned into quite the little talker. I have had other people tell me that she is really chatty. She loves to say hi to people and especially bye-bye to people. Its guaranteed she will say it everytime we leave somewhere. She says it to the chashier at the store, she yells it to my sister-in-law when we go to pick her up, she even said it to someone I just waved at from a distance at Wal-Mart. It always gets a good laugh out of people.

Anyway, she has come up with some pretty funny words for a 21 month old lately and since I am the worst mother in the whole world for writing things down and I am feeling pretty bad about it. I thought I would at least write these down because they always make us laugh.

A couple months ago we were at my parents house and I was getting things packed up and she was in "helping" me and she picked up my ipod and said "mommy iPOD" I don't know where in the world she learned that word. We had never talked to her about it. She just picked it up from listening to us menton it. In fact just this morning she asked me "Where did the IPOD go?"

Her new favorite game is hide-and-go-seek, and she is really good at it. She takes her turn counting and then loves to hide also. When she counts she puts her hands over her opened eyes and says "1,2,3 I coming" and she comes looking. Well, the other day I was playing with her and I was hiding in the closet and she same around the corner and finds me and she says "howdy." That made me laugh really hard. Where did she learn howdy? We certainly don't ever say that. She definately picked that up somewhere else.

The last most recent funny things she says, well actually she has said this for quite a while but she ALWAYS says "bless you" when you sneeze.

Its really amazing how these little brains pick up on everything around them. It keeps us on our toes. We have to be so careful what we say and we also have to be so careful what the TV says or what people she is exposed to are saying.

This is just a random funny picture of her. I was sitting on the cedar chest at the end of my bed and she same up and tapped me on the shoulder and I turned around to find her pants on her head. She did that all by herself.


Just Add Flowers said...

Hi Andrea. This is Mama Teresa. Kara is at my house using my computer to send out resumes. Yes, she is looking for a job. With insurance. But so she was showing me her blog and then your name came up on it so we went to your blog. This is the first time I have ever seen a blog. So you think you are old at 25. Ha. 25 is not old. Richard is turning 50 this week. But they say 50 is the new 30 - plus he acts like he is 14, so I guess he is actually young. I am real proud (and jealous) of your mom doing the iron gal. Rich has been doing tris for several years. Your mom is awesome because she is always re-inventing herself. Well - good to read all about your little fam. Love, teresa

Kristi said...

LOL that is great!!! Thats so funny Howdy!! Thats not a word I think any one says a lot!! Well I put your number in my phone, my internet is still down so, if you still want to meet we can meet at your house, or moms, or wherever, I really what to learn your ways!! You can call me too when ever is good for you!! 327-0308

Kristi said...

Yeah Tuesday is great, we would just have to be done by 8, do you think that we will? Usually when Mom and I blog we take a lot longer than an hour, we have an interview with our Bishop at 8 but only if Skip is off work by then but I know for sure by like 6 whether he will be off and then if not we have to change it so, lets plan on Tuesday at 7 and then if We have to continue on to another night Im ok with that!! Thank you so much for helping me your the best!!

Kristi said...

Thank you soooooooo Much!! Your the best now I know how to do it. LOL funny thing I went in to up date it and it didn't save the last one we finished, it had saved the plaid that never finished loading!! Lol so when I get some pages I may be calling ya to come back over!! If you don't mind!!

Steffani said...

Kylie sounds so adorable! I hope you're at Brittney's "open house" so I can see you and her.