Monday, April 28, 2008

Word of The Day

This isn't a repeat. I am going to do periodic installments of this until she stops saying new funny things, which may be never, or when she is a teenager and it's just a whole bunch of back talk. I have one new funny word, and two phrases she always says, one of which can turn her into a little liar sometimes!
The first word is "whoopies" I wish you could here her say it because it makes it ten times cuter, but she is trying to say whoopsies. (I'm really not sure how to spell that) and it comes out whoopies without the s. She says this whenever something goes wrong like if she spills something or she can't get her socks on or just for any little accidents. It's pretty funny.
Her first new little phrase she has started to say is "I not" Instead of saying no she says "I not". I will ask her do to something or to quit doing something and she will turn to me in a stern voice and say "I not!" I ask her to give me a hug and she turns away and says, "I not" This has turned her into a liar a couple of times. One time she was standing on the bed swinging a pictures that was hanging on the wall and I asked her to stop swinging the picture and she turned to me and said "I not Mommy!" Again, having me just explaining these doesn't do nearly the justice they deserve, but hopefully if you know her and you know her little personally you can picture her saying these things and it's funny.
The next phrase she has picked up on and she says quite often is "Thank ya much." She is good about saying this when you give her something or help her. She has caught on pretty well at knowing when is the right time to say it. It's funny how just three little words will cause you to do ANYTHING for her especially when she is so dang cute.

These are her little pig tales we tried out yesterday for church. They were really cute. I think this is Jeremy's favorite Kylie hairdo. I really shouldn't underestimate what her little hair can do! By the way, she can now open the fridge, grrrr! Salt is really good on top of cake and ice cream. She decided to try it out at Grandma and Grandpa Felix's last night and ate way more of it than I would have. MMM good! And the bread and water (especially the water) takes WAY to long to get to us during the sacrament just ask a 21 month old when she can't have your snacks until after.


Steffani said...

I love your new scrapbook paper? Where did you get it? I won't copy you, just wondering. How is Kylie doing in her bed? I can't believe how grown up she is. I mean potty training and a big bed and not even two! That's great! My 21 month old is doing none of the above! I think it's because I want her to stay a baby. My first was earlier at that stuff though.

Steffani said...

What do you type in when you go to photobucket? I tried everything I could think of and I couldn't really find anything. (Sorry to bother you with this.)

Sundi @ The Life of a Cheap Chickadee said...

love the piggies!